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"Shoppy" Android Application - ID2216 Course Project

Course project for ID2216 | 2019.10.28 - 2020.01.14

As part of a course in Mobile Applications Development (ID2216), I worked alongside 3 other undergraduate students at KTH to produce an Android Application. Our app, named "Shoppy", was a tool for creating recipes and combining them together into shopping lists, in order to ease the user's food shopping experience. The application also included a mobile mashup using Google Maps and Flickr public APIs, which allowed the user to get inspiration for meals to cook, based on what other people are making nearby. Our final app was created using Android Studio.

Within the project, I was mainly responsible for the development of the "My Shopping Lists" page, as well as the mobile mashup. Further details of everybody's responsibilities can be found in our project report, and the source code for our app is also available on github. Links to both are given below:

Project report: shoppy_project_report.pdf

Github repository:

Profile picture of Edward George Chancellor
