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Composing Interaction

Doctoral Dissertation (Doktor der Philosophie)
David Pirrò, 2017
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz


This thesis investigates interaction in computer music composition, particularly in the context of performance-oriented generative music practice. The research follows three approaches of inquiry. The first is a scholarly and theoretical analysis of the concept of interaction and its understanding in the field of computer music. The topic is discussed in relation to theories of perception and cognition in philosophy and cognitive sciences, in particular with the concepts of embodiment and enaction. This approach introduces an understanding of interaction as a temporal process of mutual influence taking place between agents. At this point, the concept of the agent becomes central to this dissertation. The second direction of research is based on the mathematical theory of dynamical systems. The framework implies a process-based mindset and offers an ecological perspective that emphasises the role of interrelations between elements in a system. In the context of this work, dynamical systems are understood as the most apt language for formulating and understanding processes of interaction. A third approach consists of personal artistic engagement in the development of interactive computer music environments. This thread interweaves with the former two and allows for continuous aesthetic experimentation: speculations and abstract intuitions are put into perceptible form and, in turn, concepts and formulation can be sharpened by experience. An essential part of this engagement relies on the software framework rattle, which has been developed for the formulation and the real-time simulation of dynamical systems. The dissertation develops an approach towards interaction that employs the language of dynamical systems to address the agency of generative computer music processes. Eventually, agency is re-interpreted as an essential perceptual quality generative computer music systems should be afforded with to allow for a composition of interactions to emerge.