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CV James R. Drake

James R. Drake

Professor Fusion Plasma Physics (Emeritus)

Division of Fusion Plasma Physics

Alfvén Laboratory

School of Electrical Engineering

Royal Institute of Technology KTH

SE 100 44 Stockholm

 Academic Qualifications:

1973                            Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin

1978                            Docent in Plasma Physics and Fusion Research, KTH

1987                            Professor of Fusion Research, KTH

1995-                           Member of the RoyalSwedishAcademy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)


Present Position:           Professor of Fusion Plasma Physics (Emeritus)

                                    Division of Fusion Plasma Physics, School of Electrical Engineering, KTH


Occupational Qualifications:


1970-1973                   Research Assistant, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin

1973-1976                   Research Associate, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Wisconsin

1977-1987                   Research staff, Dept. Plasma Physics and Fusion Research, KTH

1987-present    Professor, KTH

1993-2005                   Head of the Division of Fusion Plasma Physics, Alfvén Laboratory

1998-2005                   Director of the Alfvén Laboratory


EURATOM Fusion Programme and Professional Qualifications:


1982-2005                   Leader for the EXTRAP project. The EXTRAP T2 device received

                                    Priority status in the EURATOM Fusion Programme in 1990.

1989-1992                   Member of European Fusion Programme Committee

1992-1998                   Member of European Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme

1992-1998                   Head of the Swedish Fusion Research Unit (HRU)

2003-2005                  Vice Dean, for the academic areas Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Physics (Prodekanus DEF)

2005-2006           Director graduate studies, School of Electrical Engineering

2005-2011                   Chairman Appointments Committee for CSC, EES and ICTSchools

2005-   2011                Head of the Swedish Fusion Research Unit (HRU)

2005-                           Member of Consultative Committee for the EURATOM Specific Research and                                     Training Programme in the Field of Nuclear Energy (Fusion)

2007-                           Member of the Governing Board for the European Joint Undertaking for                                                ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

Profile picture of James Robert Drake


  • CV James R. Drake