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Publikationer av Dibya Phuyal



Li, C., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Liu, H., Guo, Q., Rienks, E. ... Tjernberg, O. (2023). Emergence of Weyl fermions by ferrimagnetism in a noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal. Nature Communications, 14(1).
Grubisic-Cabo, A., Michiardi, M., Sanders, C. E., Bianchi, M., Curcio, D., Phuyal, D. ... Dendzik, M. (2023). In Situ Exfoliation Method of Large-Area 2D Materials. Advanced Science, 10(22).
Mukherjee, S., Riva, S., Comparotto, C., Johansson, F. O. L., Man, G. J., Phuyal, D. ... Rensmo, H. (2023). Interplay between Growth Mechanism, Materials Chemistry, and Band Gap Characteristics in Sputtered Thin Films of Chalcogenide Perovskite BaZrS3. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6(22), 11642-11653.
Ghosh, A., Joensson, H. J. M., Mukkattukavil, D. J., Kvashnin, Y., Phuyal, D., Thunstroem, P. ... Abdel-Hafiez, M. (2023). Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Physical Review B, 107(11).
Zhu, Y., Lim, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Sarkar, S., Ramsden, H. ... Chhowalla, M. (2023). Room-Temperature Photoluminescence Mediated by Sulfur Vacancies in 2D Molybdenum Disulfide. ACS Nano, 17(14), 13545-13553.
Man, G. J., Kamal, C., Kalinko, A., Phuyal, D., Acharya, J., Mukherjee, S. ... Butorin, S. M. (2022). A-site cation influence on the conduction band of lead bromide perovskites. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Gao, J., Tot, A., Tian, H., Gardner, J. M., Phuyal, D. & Kloo, L. (2022). Electrochemical impedance and X-ray absorption spectroscopy analyses of degradation in dye-sensitized solar cells containing cobalt tris(bipyridine) redox shuttles. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP, 24(31), 18888-18895.
Phuyal, D., Mukherjee, S., Panda, S. K., Man, G. J., Simonov, K., Simonelli, L. ... Karis, O. (2021). Nonlocal Interactions in the Double Perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 from Core-Level X‐ray Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 11249-11256.
Mukherjee, S., Phuyal, D., Segre, C. U., Das, S., Karis, O., Edvinsson, T. & Rensmo, H. (2021). Structure and Electronic Effects from Mn and Nb Co-doping for Low Band Gap BaTiO3 Ferroelectrics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(27), 14910-14923.
Malik, R. S., Delczeg-Czirjak, E. K., Knut, R., Thonig, D., Vaskivskyi, I., Phuyal, D. ... Karis, O. (2021). Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the half-metallic Heusler alloy Co2FeAl. Physical Review B, 104(10).
Johansson, M. B., Philippe, B., Banerjee, A., Phuyal, D., Mukherjee, S., Chakraborty, S. ... Johansson, E. M. J. (2019). Cesium Bismuth Iodide Solar Cells from Systematic Molar Ratio Variation of CsI and BiI3. Inorganic Chemistry, 58(18), 12040-12052.
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