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Daniel Carlsson

Profile picture of Daniel Carlsson



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About me

I am a business development coach at KTH Innovation supporting ideas within medtech, life science, chemistry and materials. I have long experience (20 years) of all areas relevant for commercialization of high-tech ideas. At KTH I have supported more than 500 ideas across different development stages and tech fields.

I bring specific  and deep experience from patents/IP, licensing, negotations, agreements and funding/investments (from public to VC).

I also work part-time as Investment Manager at KTH Holding which invests in KTH startups. I am responsible for managing new potential investments and supporting the 50 existing companies in the porfolio

I have a specific interest in structured innovation development and developing and implementing processes, routines and measurement systems related to innovation development

I hold a MSc in Engineering Biology from Linköping Institute of Technology and a BSc in Business Administration from Linköping University. Previously I worked for a medtech startup within electroactive polymers spun-out of Linköping University.