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Publikationer av Daniel Jonsson



C. Liu et al., "Appraisal of cycling infrastructure investments using a transport model with focus on cycling," Case Studies on Transport Policy, vol. 9, no. 1, s. 125-136, 2021.
O. B. Västberg et al., "A Dynamic Discrete Choice Activity-Based Travel Demand Model," Transportation Science, vol. 54, no. 1, s. 21-41, 2020.
C. Liu et al., "Development of a large-scale transport model with focus on cycling," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 134, s. 164-183, 2020.
M. Adolphson och D. Jonsson, "Uncover the theory practice gap in Swedish transport planning : an interdisciplinary approach," European Planning Studies, vol. 28, no. 11, s. 2237-2260, 2020.
M. Börjesson, R. D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, "An ex-post CBA for the Stockholm Metro," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 70, s. 135-148, 2014.
M. Börjesson et al., "Land-use impacts in transport appraisal," Research in Transportation Economics, vol. 47, s. 82-91, 2014.
D. Jonsson et al., "Reconciling user benefit and time-geography-based individual accessibility measures," Environment and Planning, B : Planning and Design, vol. 41, no. 6, s. 1031-1043, 2014.
D. Jonsson et al., "The Usefulness of Transport Models in Swedish Planning Practice," Transport reviews, vol. 31, no. 2, s. 251-265, 2011.
R. D. Jonsson, "Analysing sustainability in a land-use and transport system," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 16, no. 1, s. 28-41, 2008.
M. Robèrt och Daniel. R. Jonsson, "Assessment of transport policies toward future emission targets : A backcasting approach for Stockholm 2030," Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, vol. 8, no. 4, s. 451-478, 2006.


J. M. Lorenzo Varela, Y. Susilo och R. D. Jonsson, "User attitudes towards a Mobility as a Service solution: Understanding differences between latent modality styles," i Nationell konferens I transportforskning 2018, 2018.
L. Engelson, W. Burghout och D. Jonsson, "Integration of travel demand model with dynamic traffic assignment," i TRENoP workshop, 2012.
Ö. Svane et al., "Negotiated outcomes - Actor-oriented modelling of energy efficiency in a Stockholm city district renewal," i Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, 2012, s. 1768-1775.
M. Börjesson, D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, "The long term social benefits of transit," i Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2012.
M. Börjesson, D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, "The long term social benefits of urban transit investments : A CBA of the Stockholm Metro," i Kuhmo Nectar Conference and SummerSchool on Transportation Economics 2012 -Annual conference of the ITEA : Book of Abstracts, 2012, s. 131-132.
D. Jonsson et al., "Tillgänglighet, tidsgeografi och aktiviteter," i Första nationella konferensen i Transportforskning 2012; Stockholm, Sverige, 18-19 oktober 2012, 2012.
D. Jonsson, A. Karlström och M. Fadaei, "User benefits & time-geography," i 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (LATSIS 2012); Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 September 2012, 2012.
M. Börjesson, D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, "Long term social benefits of rail transit : Case study of the Stockholm Metro," i Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management 2011 Conference., Lake Louise, Canada, July 5 – 8, 2011, 2011.
D. Jonsson, "Modelling 50 years of metro in Stockholm," i The 1st Nordic Winter Conference of NS-RSA, "Regions: Sustainability, Growth, and Policy"; Hemavan, Sweden, March 30th – April 1st, 2011, 2011.
P. Almström et al., "The impact of land use planning on Cost-Benefit Analysis rankings," i Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2011.
A. Karlström och D. Jonsson, "Scapes : A Dynamic microeconomic model of activity scheduling," i European Transport Conference (ETC), 2005.

Kapitel i böcker

M. Robèrt och D. Jonsson, "Analysing a Sustainable Traffic System in Stockholm 2030 from a Backcasting Perspective," i Science for Sustainable Development, 2006.

Icke refereegranskade


M. Adolphson och D. Jonsson, "The theory practice gap in regional (transport) planning," i RSA Annual Conference Graz 2016, 2016.


M. Börjesson, D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, Samhällsekonomin på spåret – en ESO-rapport om att räkna på tunnelbanan. Stockholm : Finansdepartementet, ESO, 2012.


O. Fröidh och R. D. Jonsson, "Intervjuer med intressenter i långväga resandeprognoser : Delrapport i Förstudie kring etablering av forskningsprojekt för prognosmetodik," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2326, 2023.
E. Jenelius et al., "Prestudy on Establishing a Research Project on Forecasting Methodology," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2328, 2023.
O. Fröidh et al., "Lokalisering av järnvägsstationer – effekter för samhällsplanering, resande och tillgänglighet," Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 1815, 2018.
M. Adolphson, D. Jonsson och J. Westin, "Regionala Systemanalyser," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2017.
A. Almroth et al., "Further development of SAMPERS and modeling of urban congestion," , Working papers in Transport Economics, No 2014:10, 2014.
M. Börjesson, D. Jonsson och M. Lundberg, "Samhällsekonomin på spåret : en ESO-rapport om att räkna på tunnelbanan," , Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi, 2012:5, 2012.


J. M. Lorenzo Varela, Y. Susilo och R. D. Jonsson, "User attitudes towards a corporate Mobility as a Service," (Manuskript).
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