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Bita Daemi

Profilbild av Bita Daemi

Om mig

I completed my PhD studies and my Postdoc in Production Engineering with the focus in image metrology at IIP, KTH.

I'm now working as a senior researcher at IIP in division of Manufacturing and Metrology Systems (MMS) where I'm involved in management, research and education. My main research interests are: camera-based metrology, image processing, precision metrology, self Calibration and 3D data analysis.

I have served as manger of XPRES, Center of Excellence in Production Research at KTH during  2022-2024.


2014 - 2017

PhD in Production Engineering, KTH, Sweden

Thesis title:Enhanced image analysis, a tool for precision metrology in the micro and macro world.

2012 - 2014

Licentiate degree in Production Engineering, KTH, Sweden

Thesis title: Image analysis for precision metrology. Verification of micro-machining systems and aerodynamic surfaces.

2008 - 2010

M.Sc. in Applied Physics, KTH, Sweden

Thesis title: How to measure the Transverse Chromatic Aberration of the human eye in off-axis angles.

2001 - 2006

B.Sc. in Physics, University of Tehran, Iran



Aug 2017 - Aug 2019

Involved in several production engineering projects with a focus on camera-based metrology:
- Monitoring of EBM powder bed additive manufacturing processes using IR cameras
- High-precision 3D hardness evaluation
- Monitoring technical cleanliness on machined parts
- Friction control through surface texturing

Other experiences:
- Swedish and European project coordination and management
- Project proposal development and fundraising
- Development of a precision metrology laboratory at the production engineering department
- Teaching and supervising Master's and PhD level thesis

- Team coordination


European Project (SMART EUREKA)

COMACH:Clean, Precise and Defect-Free Composite Parts Machining Robotic System


KTH, Jan 2019 – Mar 2022

Role: Project coordinator, researcher

National Project (VINNOVA)

Fritext:Friction control through surface texturing

KTH, Mar 2018 – Dec 2020

The friction and wear has a great impact on energy consumption. The main objective of the project is to determine the surface texturing method to control the coefficient of friction and surface protection against wear, in order to improve the tribological properties of machinery components.

Role: develop a camera-based metrology solution for surface texture evaluation.

European Project

LOCOMACHS:Low Cost Manufacturing and Assembly of Composite and Hybrid Structures


KTH, Sep 2013 - Feb 2016

The need for low cost, high speed and in-line metrology with high accuracy in the rapidly evolving manufacturing chains require dedicated metrology techniques.

In this European project I developed image processing algorithms for 3D precision surface measurements of aerospace components at the required tolerance of 100 microns.


  • Developed a physical setup and corresponding software package that achieve the same resolution as the established laser scanning technique at 2% of the price of the available advanced laser systems.
  • The measurements precision of 10 µm over a volume of 60 x 50 x 10 cm3 was achieved.
  • The results were published as a research paper in journal of Measurement science and Technology

European Project

EUMINAfab: European research infrastructures for Micro-Nano Fabrication of functional structures and devices


KTH, Jan 2012 - Aug 2013

Today several micro-manufacturing technologies are available to produce components with a high complexity in geometrical shapes but the precision and accuracy of the techniques are still difficult to assess. In this project I developed high precision image analysis algorithms in order to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of the 7 different micro machining installations within EUMINAfab.


  • By developing image analysis adapted to the machined samples, the total measurement uncertainty better than 1 µm over several square centimeters in position, was achieved.
  • The results were presented to the machining operators of the participating partners in EUMINAfab project
  • The work produced two journal and two conference papers.

European Project

Clean Sky project,http://www.cleansky.eu/

KTH — Oct 2010 - Dec 2011

In automotive and aviation industries different parts of the final product usually contain large, flat, shiny surfaces. Surface waviness has a significant impact on the product’s visual appearance and/or technical functionality. In this project I developed a measurement method based on Fringe Reflection Technique to measure the surface waviness of flat, painted glossy carbon composite structures.


  • Developed a mathematical model and design the experimental setup.
  • Simulated a reference for testing
  • Results were presented in the 12th Euspen conference


Elena Ulieru innovation award for best paper/presentation at the 10th International 4M (Multi-Material Micro Manufacture) Conference in San Sebastian, Spain 2013.


Avancerad mätteknik (MG2110), lärare | Kurswebb

Avancerad tillverkningsteknik (MG2009), lärare | Kurswebb

Avancerad tillverkningsteknik, större kurs (MG2109), lärare | Kurswebb

Industriell analys för avancerad tillverkning (ML2306), lärare | Kurswebb

Modern industriell mätteknik (MG2010), kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Bita Daemi