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List of Publications

Peer reviewed international publications

  1. Adams, S., Kuch, D., Diamond, L., Fröhlich, P., Henriksen, I. M., Katzeff, C., Ryghaug, M. & Yilmaz, S. (2021). Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management. Energy Research & Social Science80, 102210.

  2. Harris, S., Mata, É., Plepys, A., & Katzeff, C. (2021). Sharing is daring, but is it sustainable? An assessment of sharing cars, electric tools and offices in Sweden. Resources, Conservation and Recycling170, 105583.

  3. Carlsson Kanyama, A., Hedin, B., & Katzeff, C. (2021). Differences in Environmental Impact between Plant-Based Alternatives to Dairy and Dairy Products: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability13(22), 12599.

  4. Katzeff, C., Milestad, R., Zapico, J. L., & Bohné, U., 2020. Encouraging Organic Food Consumption through Visualization of Personal Shopping Data, Sustainability, 2020, 12(9), 3599.
  5. Fröhlich, P., Esterl, T., Adams, S., Kuch, D., Yilmaz, S., Katzeff, C., Winzer, C., Diamond, L., Schrammel, J., Lukszo, Z., et al.  2020. “Towards a Social License To Automate in Demand Side Management : Challenges , Perspectives and Regional Aspects.” : 1–13.
  6. Hedin, B., Katzeff, C., Eriksson, E., and Pargman, D., 2019. A Systematic review of digital behaviour change interventions for more sustainable food consumption. Sustainability, 2019, 11(9), 2638.
  7. Katzeff, C., Carlsson Kanyama, A. and Zapico, J. 2019. Share or Waste? Using an ICT-platform to share food on a university campus. CEUR-WS Vol. 2382 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 10-14, 2019.
  8. Boork, M. and Katzeff, C. 2019. Activity-based offices: synergies and trade-offs between energy efficiency and employees’ work environment. Conference paper to be presented at ECEEE 2019 Summer study on energy efficiency, Presqui’ile de Giens, France, 3-8 June.
  9. Reynolds, C., Goucher, L., Quested, T., Bromley, S., Gillick, S., Wells, V.K., Evans, D., Koh, L., Carlsson Kanyama, A., Katzeff, C., Svenfelt, Å., and Jackson, P., 2019. Consumption-stage food waste reduction interventions – what works and how to design better interventions. Food Policy, Vol. 83, February 2019, pp 7-27.
  10. Nyström, S., Katzeff, C. & Pargman, D., 2018. Barriers for sustainable waste management practices in grocery stores. Exploration by Research-through-Design. In B. Penzenstadler et al., eds. ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability. EPiC Series in Computing, pp. 243–257.
  11. Katzeff, C., Wessman, S., & Colombo, S. (2017). “Mama, It’s Peacetime!”: Planning, Shifting, and Designing Activities in the Smart Grid Scenario. In Proceedings of the Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement-Sense and Sensitivity, DeSForM 2017. InTech.
  12. Zapico, J., Katzeff, C., Bohné, U. and Milestad, R. (2016): Eco-feedback visualization for closing the gap of organic food consumption. In Proc. of NordiCHI 2016.
  13. Reitsma, L., Önnevall, E., Torstensson, C., & Katzeff, C. (2016): the Future Catalogue : Design Fictions To Enhance User Engagement in Smart Grid Technology. 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (Behave 2016), (September), 8–9.
  14. Boork, M., Katzeff, C. and Balksjö, T. (2016): Beyond visualization in office workplaces. Published in Proc. of Behave 2016, 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 8-9 Sep., 2016.
  15. Bohné, U., Zapico, J. and Katzeff, C. (2015): The EcoPanel: Designing for reflection on greener grocery shopping practices. Presented at ICT4S 2015, Copenhagen, Sep 2015.
  16. Wessman, S., Olsen, R. and Katzeff, C. (2015): That’s the smell of peacetime – Designing for electricity load balancing. Exploratory paper to be presented at Nordes, Nordic Design Research Conference 2015, Stockholm, June 7-10.
  17. Wessman, S., Colombo, S. and Katzeff, C. (2015): Please mind the balance. Using design to engage households in the smart grid scenario. In Proceedings of the 11Th European Academy of Design Conference, Paris, France, April 2015.
  18. Boork, M., Gustafsson, A., Dijkuis, S. and Katzeff, C. (2015): OfficeWise: Energy feedback in office workplaces. In Proceedings of ECEEE summer study, 1-6 June 2015, Toulon/Hyère, France.
  19. Katzeff, C. and De Jong, A.: Sustainable social practices and the Smart Grid. Workshop held at ICT4S, Stockholm, August 2014.
  20. Pargman, D., Ericsson, E., Katzeff, C., Preist, C., Håkansson, M. and Knowles, B.: “Is there a European strand of sustainable HCI?” Workshop organized at NordiCHI 2014. NordiCHI '14 , Oct 26-30 2014, Helsinki, Finland. ACM 978-1-4503-2542-4/14/10.
  21. Katzeff, C. and Wangel, J.: “Social practices, households and design in the Smart Grid”. In L. Hilty and B. Aebischer (Eds.): ICT Innovations for Sustainability. Springer, 2014.
  22. Ehrnberger, K., Broms, L. and Katzeff, C.: “Becoming the Energy Aware Clock – Revisiting the design process through a feminist gaze”. Full paper presented at Nordes, Nordic Design Research Conference 2013, Copenhagen-Malmö, June 9-12.
  23. Katzeff, C., Broms, L., Jönsson, L., Westholm, U. and Räsänen, M.: “Exploring sustainable practices in workplace settings by visualizing electricity consumption”. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 31, ACM Press, November 2013
  24. De Jong, A., Balksjö, T. and Katzeff, C.: “Challenges in Energy Awareness. A Swedish Case of Heating in Households”. Paper presented at the 16th Conference of the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP), Istanbul, 2013.
  25. Katzeff, C., Nyblom, Å., Tunheden, S. and Torstensson, C. : User centred design and evaluation of EnergyCoach – an interactive energy service for households. Behaviour and Information Technology 31(3), 305-324 (2012) Special issue on “Services and Human-computer Interaction. New opportunities”. Taylor & Frances Group.
  26. Spagnolli, A., Corradi, N., Gamberini, L., Hoggan, E., Jacucci, G., Katzeff, C., Broms, L. and Jönsson, L.: “Eco-Feedback on the Go: Motivating Energy Awareness”. Computer, May 2011, pp 38-52. IEEE Computer Society, N.Y.
  27. Broms, L., Katzeff, C., Bång, M., Nyblom, Å., Ilstedt-Hjelm, S. and Ernberger, K. (2011): “DAYS IN THE LIFE OF THE ENERGY AWARE CLOCK. Design of an Ambient Engergy Feedback Interface”. Design Research #1.11. Swedish Design Research Journal, SVID. Stiftelsen för svensk industridesign.
  28. Broms, L., Katzeff, C., Bång, M., Nyblom, Å., Ilstedt-Hjelm, S. and Ernberger, K. (2010): “Coffee maker patterns and the design of energy feedback artefacts”. Full paper presented at DIS ’10 The 8th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Århus, Denmark August 2010, ACM. Published in Proceedings of DIS 2010, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-0103-9, 93-102.
  29. Jönsson, L., Broms, L. and Katzeff, C. (2010) : “Watt-Lite; Energy statistics made tangible”. Short paper presented at The 8th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Århus, Denmark, August 2010, ACM. Published in Proceedings of DIS 2010, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-0103-9.2010, ACM.
  30. Gustafsson, A., Katzeff, C. and Bång, M. (2009): “Evaluation of a pervasive game for domestic energy engagement among teenagers”. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), ACM, 2009; 4; 54:1-54-19.
  31. Katzeff, C. and Ware, V. (2007): “Video storytelling in a transient, volunteer organization”. Business Communication Quarterly, Sage publications, 2007; 70: 381-385.
  32. Katzeff, C. and Ware, V. (2006): “Video storytelling as mediation of organizational learning”. Full paper presented at NordiCHI 2006, Oslo, Norway, October 2006. Published in Proceedings of NordiCHI 2006, ACM ISBN 1-59593-325-5/06/0010.
  33. Bång, M., Gustafsson, A och Katzeff, C. (2007): ”Promoting Renewed Domestic Energy Consumption Patterns with Pervasive Learning Games”. In W. IJsselsteijn, Y. de Kort, C. Midden, B. Eggen, B.J. Fogg (Eds.): Persuasive Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Vol. 4744/2007, pp. 55-63.
  34. Bång, M., Torstensson, C. och Katzeff, C. (2006): “The PowerHouse: A persuasive computer game designed to raise awareness of domestic energy consumption”. In W. IJsselsteijn, Y. de Kort, C. Midden, B. Eggen, E. van den Hoven (Eds.): Persuasive Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 3962 / 2006, pp. 123-132.
  35. Katzeff, C. and Torstensson, C. (2006). Designing for engagement in a simulation game for learning. Presented at The International Design and Engagability Conference (iDec3) at NordiCHI 2006, Norway, October 2006.
  36. Katzeff, C. and Abdallah, L. (2003): ICT-based learning in knowledge intense micro-sized enterprises. Full paper. In Proceedings for 2nd International Conference on Multimedia ICT’s in Education (m-ICTE 2003), December 2003, Badajoz, Spain.
  37. Eneroth, C., Katzeff, C. and Larsson, R. (2001): Magic or Realism? Transforming learning styles into design features in net-based education. Full paper (10 pages) presented at NIC2001, (Nordic Interactive Conference 2001), Copenhagen, October 30 – November 4, 2001.
  38. Katzeff, C. (2000): ”The design of interactive media for learners in an organisational setting – the state of the art.”, 5 pages. In Proceedings of the Nordic conference on Computer Human Interaction (NordiCHI), Stockholm 2000.
  39. Katzeff, C. and Lundborg, E. (2000): “Scaffolds for users of interactive learning media”. Short paper. In Proceedings of Nordic conference on Computer Human Interaction (NordiCHI), Stockholm 2000.
  40. Katzeff, C. and Svärd, P. O. (1996): ”In Search of Key Factors for Usability Maturity”. In Proceedings of HCI'96 (Human Computer Interaction, British Computer Society), London, Great Britain, 1996.
  41. Katzeff, C. (1990): “System demands on mental models for a fulltext database”. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 32, 483-509.
  42. Katzeff, C. (1989). Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Mental Models in Database Query Writing. Doktorsavhandling, Psykologiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, Akademitryck.
  43. Katzeff, C. (1989).:Strategies for testing hypotheses in database query writing. In F. Klix, N.A. Streitz, Y., Waern & H. Wandke (Eds.), MACINTER II- Man-Computer Interaction Research Proceedings of the Second Network Seminar of MACINTER, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  44. Katzeff, C. (1988): “The effect of different conceptual models upon reasoning in a database query writing task”. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 29, 37-62.
  45. Katzeff, C. (1986): “Dealing with a database query language in a new situation”. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 25, 1-17.


  1. Ekener, E., Katzeff, C., Gunnarsson-Östling, U. and Skånberg, K. (2019). ”Ömsesidiga Beroenden Mellan ­ Olika Hållbarhetsperspektiv. Del II: Möjligheter att genom kunskaper och trade-offs mellan olika globala hållbarhetsmål förbättra förutsättningarna att nå Agenda 2030 i sin helhet". Naturvårdsverket. Rapport 6903. ISBN 978-91-620-6903-2.
  2. Ekener, E., Katzeff, C., Gunnarsson-östling, U., and Skånberg, K. (2019). ”Så hänger jämställdhet och jämlikhet ihop med miljömålen jämlikhet ihop med miljömålen”. Naturvårdsverket. Rapport 6856. ISBN 978-91-620-6856-1.
  3. Fjellander, L., Harris, S., Katzeff, C., Ljungkvist Nordin, H., Mata, E., Matschke Ekholm, H., Plepys, A. and Börjesson Rivera, M. (2019). Delningens potential. Slutrapport Re:Source. Stockholm.
  4. Ekener, E. and Katzeff, C. (2018) ”Ömsesidiga beroenden mellan hållbarhets-dimensionerna. En kunskapsöversikt”. Naturvårdsverket. ISBN 978-91-620-6805-9.
  5. Katzeff, C., Hasselqvist, H., Önnevall, E. and Nyström, S. (2018): “Smarta elnät – För vem? Översikt och analys av användaraspekter på smarta elnät för bostäder”. Final report to research programme E2B2, to be published in February-March 2018.
  6. Fyhr, K., Boork, M., Katzeff, C., and Balksjö, T.: BeyondViz. Bortom visualisering på arbetsplatsen. Final report to research programme E2B2, to be published in February 2018.
  7. Carlsson Kanyama, A., Katzeff, C. and Svenfelt, Å. (2017). “Rädda maten. Åtgärder för svinnminskande beteendförändringar hos konsument”. Uppdrag åt Livsmedelsverket. TRITA-SEED-Rapport 2017:05, ISBN 978-91-7729-652-2
  8. Katzeff, C. and Ramström, E.: “Människan i det smarta elnätet”. Literature study commissioned by the Swedish Smart Grid Council, Swedish smart grid, 2014.
  9. Katzeff, C., Nyblom, Å., Öhman, C. och Sjögren, J-U (2009): ”Clockwise. Smarta lösningar till stöd för energieffektiva beteenden”. Slutrapport för forskningsprojekt 24, CERBOF 2:2 Beteende, processer och styrmedel, 22 sidor. (Clockwise. Smart solutions in support of energy effiscient behaviour. Final report for research project 24, 22 pp., CERBOF 2:2), Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten).
  10. Katzeff, C. (1998). ”Användare - ett nödvändigt ont eller en självklar resurs? Perspektiv på användarmedverkan i utvecklingen av en metod för användarcentrerad systemutveckling”. (Eng: ”Users – necessary evil or a natural resource? Perspectives on user involvement in the development of a method for user centered system development”) SISU-rapport 98:01. 
  11. Katzeff, C. (1992). ”Överblicksproblemet i hypermedia - ett kognitionspsykologiskt perspektiv” (Eng.: ”The problem of overview in hypermedia – a cognitive perspective”). SISU-rapport nr. 92:
  12. Katzeff, C. and Svärd, P. O. (1995). ”Användbarhet i Praktiken”, En enkätstudie (Eng.: ”Usability in Practice. A survey investigation”). SISU-rapport 95:20.
  13. Katzeff, C. (1994). ”Tillämpningsklyftan i MDI ­ Ett hinder i utvecklingen av användbara informationssystem” (Eng.: ”The gap of application in HCI – an obstacle in the development of usable information systems”.) SISU-dokument 21, 1994.
  14. Katzeff, C. and Skantz, K. (1997). “Talande huvuden och dubbningssjuka. Betydelsen av videokvalitet för videomedierad kommunikation - en litteraturöversikt.” (Eng.: ”Talking heads and dubbing illness. Implications of video quality for video mediated communication. A literture overview”) SISU-rapport 97:02
  15. Katzeff, C., Fossum, P. and Skantz, K. (1997). ”Användarkrav på nästa generations talbok. En intervjustudie” (Eng.: ”User requirements for the next generation of auditory books. An interview study”). SISU-rapport 97:03.
  16. Katzeff, C. (1988). ”Att snubbla över söksystemet TRIP - en användarstudie” (”To trip over TRIP - a User Study”). Report from Swedish Telecom, 1988.

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