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Chao Ye

Profilbild av Chao Ye




Om mig

I am working on SHIFT-DT (Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through Digital Twins) project as a Postdoc at KTH. You can find more information on Digital Future's website (SHIFT-DT: Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through Digital Twins — Digital Futures (kth.se))

I am interested in everything regarding ship design, encompassing lines, arrangement, stability, hydrodynamic, resistance and propulsion, structural strength. I also started to conduct my research on ship production and operation for SHIFT-DT project.

My PhD thesis was mainly focused on the assessment and management of liquified natural gas (LNG) boil-off rate during its offshore transportation with LNG Carrier and FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit). Specifically, this study aimed to precisely assess the BOR of LNG for marine type C tank under different filling ratios, through numerical and experimental studies. Based on that, the study aimed to develop a specified design framework for cargo containment system on LNG carriers based on the surrogate modelling and the multi-objective optimization of exergetic, economic, and environmental (3E) properties for LNG carriers.


Digitalisering för hållbar produktion (ML2303), lärare | Kurswebb

Modellering av fartygs framdrivning och manövrering (SD2726), lärare | Kurswebb

Modellering, simulering och optimering av hållbar produktion (ML2302), lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Chao Ye

