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Celia Garcia Pareja

Profile picture of Celia Garcia Pareja



Lindstedtvägen 25


Researcher ID

About me

From August 2023 I am a lecturer at KTH (universitetsadjunkt), responsible of different courses on probablity theory and statistics.

Previous to that, I did my postdoc at EPFL at the Chair of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification and the Laboratory of Computational Biology and Theoretical Biophysics. Fabio Nobile and Anne-Florence Bitbol were my postdoc advisors.

During my PhD, I was a visiting student at the Division of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematics, SCI for over two years. I defended my Ph.D. thesis titled "Topics on mathematical statistics for medical applications: summary measures and exact simulation of diffusions" at Karolinska Institutet in September 2019 before teaching the course SF1911 Statistics for Bioengineering at KTH and then going on maternity leave.


Degree Project in Applied Mathematics and Industrial Economics, First Cycle (SF100X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Vehicle Engineering, First Level (SA115X), teacher | Course web

Degree project in Engineering Mathematics, first cycle (SA120X), teacher | Course web

Markov Processes, Basic Course (SF1904), examiner, assistant, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Probability Theory and Statistics (SF1900), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Probability Theory and Statistics (SF1912), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Statistics for Bioengineering (SF1911), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Celia Garcia Pareja