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Camille Hamon

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Camille Hamon was born in France. He received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and his Master's degree from Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France in 2010. He is PhD student since 2010.

Research: A rational system for primary and secondary control in Nordel with large amounts of wind power

The introduction of large amounts of wind power in power systems brings about larger changes in the net load than in power systems without wind power. These changes must be met by the frequency control schemes, which can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary frequency control. The Nordic system uses today both primary and tertiary reserves. Also, wind power can potentially be used as power reserves.

The location of power reserves are expected to become of extreme importance since the introdution of wind power will displace the output of existing power plants and limit the transmission capacity available for other electricity sources.

In addition to changes from wind power, the increased interconnectivity of power systems via HVDC links and other changes in today's nordic power system (such as the Sydvastlanken project) are also expected to contribute to change today's power flow patterns.

In order to mitigate these effects, the use of a secondary control scheme in Nordel has been discussed.

It is therefore important to study and design optimum frequency control schemes which use the available resources for power reserves in an optimal way. To do so, new models adapted for intra-hour simulations must be developed.

The main objectives of this project are therefore:

  • getting a better understanding of the operation of reserves with large amounts of wind power,
  • developing frequency control schemes, including a secondary control scheme for Nordel, that allow for an optimal use of existing power reserves, considering both economical and technical criteria,
  • assessing costs that arise with large amounts of wind power and
  • assessing at which penetration level it becomes necessary to make wind power participate in frequency control.

(sponsored by Vindforsk)

List of publications