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Mats Boij

Profile picture of Mats Boij



Lindstedtvägen 25


Researcher ID

About me


My research is in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry and I'm part of the Algebra and geometry group within the department of mathematics. In particular I've been working on Hilbert functions and syzygies of modules. My more recent papers are available at the preprint server arXiv.

Open PhD position in Commutative Algebra

There is an open PhD position funded by the VR projectPowers of Linear Forms and Lefschetz Propertieswhere one of the goals is to better understand the difference between ideals generated by general forms and ideals generated by powers of general linear forms. (cf. This is related to the Fröberg Conjecture and to the Fröberg-Iarrobino Conjectures. More generally, the Lefschetz Properties  relate to the maximal rank property of the multiplication by general linear forms or powers of general linear forms in an artinian algebra.

Applications are to be submitted through Varbi between March 13 and April 22.

Department of Mathematics

Since 2020 I'm the Head of Department for Department of Mathematics at KTH.


I'm a member of the committee within the Swedish Mathematical Societywhich is organizing the competition Skolornas matematiktävling for high school students in Sweden. From 2018 to 2023 I was the chairman of Svenska kommittén för matematikutbildning organizing Kleindagarna.


Applied Linear Algebra (SF1694), examiner | Course web

Linear Algebra. Advanced Course (SF1681), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 1 (LT1041), teacher, assistant | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 2 (LT1042), teacher, assistant | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 3 (LT1043), teacher, assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Mats Boij