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Zeev Bohbot

Profile picture of Zeev Bohbot

About me

Former programdirector for the Division Building and Design and Building and Production. Responsible for the sub program architecture and real estate under the division Building and Design and the Department of civil and architectural engineering


Building Permit and Real Estate Law (AF1751), teacher, course responsible | Course web

Building Techniques, Detached Housing Project (AF1745), teacher | Course web

Building Technology 1 (AF1737), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Constructional Engineering and Design, First Cycle (AF179X), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Economics, calculation and organization (AF1740), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Form and Design (AF1755), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Renovation, Rebuilding and Extension 1 (AF1752), teacher | Course web

Renovation, Rebuilding and Extension 2 (AF1753), teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Zeev Bohbot