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CURRICULUM VITAE, Martin Wiklund [*]

1. MSc degree

1999                MSc in Engineering Physics, LTH, Lund.

2. PhD degree

2004                PhD in Physics, KTH. Thesis title: “Ultrasonic enrichment of microparticles in bioaffinity assays”.

3. Docent degree


4. Present appointment

2016-present   Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH.

2017-present   Program Director, 5-year degree program in Engineering Physics, KTH.

2019-2021   Deputy Head of Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH.

2024-present   Head of Div. for Biophysics, KTH.

5. Previous appointments

May - July 2019: Guest professor, University of Tokyo, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (sabbatical leave).

Aug. 2017 - Jan. 2018: STINT Fellow, Amherst College, MA, USA (sabbatical leave).

2012-2016   Director of undergrad. studies (“Studierektor”), Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH.

2011-2015   Associate Professor (“Universitetslektor”), Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH.

2006-2010   Assistant Professor (“Forskarassistent”), Dept. of Applied Phyiscs, KTH.

2005-2006    Researcher, Dept. of Physics, KTH. Duration: Approx. 1 year.

2004-2005    Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT), Berlin, Germany. Division: Cellular Biotechnology and Biochips. Duration: Approx. 1 year.

1999-2004    PhD student, Dept. of Physics, KTH. Duration: 5 years.

1995-1999    Teaching assistant in Mathematics and Physics (approx. 15%), Lund University.

6. PhD and postdoc supervision

Main supervisor, PhD students: Jessica Svennebring (PhD defense 2009), Athanasia Christakou (PhD defense 2015), Ida Iranmanesh (PhD defense 2015), Mathias Ohlin (PhD defense 2015), Karl Olofsson (PhD defense 2021). Co-supervisor, PhD students: Otto Manneberg (PhD defense 2009), Ramin Jajarmi (PhD defense 2016), Asim Faridi (PhD defense 2017), Davood Saeidi (PhD defense 2019), Valentina Carannante (PhD defense 2022), Martim Costa (ongoing). Postdoc supervision: Linda Johansson (2011), Björn Hammarström (2017-2019), Karl Olofsson (2021-), Valentina Carannante (2022-).

Other merits of relevance:

7. Awards

Göran Gustavsson Stiftelse, 2008 (“Young Researcher Award”, 300 kSEK).

"Teacher of the Year", KTH, 2014.

STINT Fellow, Amherst College, 2017.

8. Grants (PI: Martin Wiklund)

2007             Vetenskapsrådet, 3 × 945 kSEK (2008-01-01 – 2010-12-31).

2008             Göran Gustavsson Stiftelse (“Engångspriset till yngre forskare”, 300 kSEK).

2011             EU FP7 ”RAPPID”, 2700 kSEK (2011-03-01 – 2014-02-28).

2011             Vetenskapsrådet yngre forskare, 4 × 800 kSEK (2012-01-01 – 2015-12-31).

2014             Stockholms läns landsting, HMT15, 750 kSEK (2015-01-01 – 2015-12-31).

2015             Vetenskapsrådet, 3250 kSEK (2016-01-01 – 2019-12-31).

2015             Stockholms läns landsting, HMT16, 700 kSEK (2016-01-01 – 2016-12-31).

2016             Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare, 1100 kSEK (2017-2019).

2016             STINT, 568 kSEK (sabbatical, Amherst College, US)

2016             Stockholms läns landsting, HMT, 500 kSEK (2017-01-01 – 2017-12-31).

2019             Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse, 31.2 MSEK (2019-2024, Önfelt main PI)

2020            Vetenskapsrådet, 3160 kSEK (2021-2024).

2021             Carl Tryggers stiftelse, 638 kSEK (2022-2024).

9. Invited talks

>40 invited lectures at international conferences and workshops.

10. External examiner, PhD theses

Faculty opponent: Linda Johansson, Uppsala Univ., 2009; Björn Hammarström, Lund Univ., 2014; Mahdi Rezayati Charan, Lund University, 2023.

Committee member: Andreas Lenshof, Lund Univ., 2009; Olivier Dron, ESPCI, Paris, 2011; Per Augustsson, Lund Univ., 2011; Emil Anderås, Uppsala Univ., 2012; Alar Ainla, Chalmers University of Technology, 2013; Thomas Schwarz, ETH Zurich, 2013; Puja Mishra, Southampton Univ., 2014; Malin Larsson, KTH, 2015; Ramin Imani Jajarmi, Lic., KTH, 2015; Prem Kumar Periyannan Rajeswari, KTH, 2016; Tomas Rosén, KTH, 2016; Stefan Holm, Lund Univ., 2018; Anna Fornell, Lund Univ., 2018; Jacob Søberg Bach, DTU Denmark, 2020; André Gugele Steckel, DTU Denmark, 2021; Zhenhua Liu, Uppsala Univ., 2022; William Naundrup Bodé, DTU Denmark, 2022; Cooper Lars Harshbarger, ETH Zürich, 2023.

11. Administration

Program Director, Engineering Physics, KTH (2017-). Director of Undergrad. Studies, Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH (2012-2016). Deputy Head of Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH (2019-2021). Co-organizer of USWNet Summer Schools (Udine, Italy, 2010). Session chair (Biomedical sensors) and co-organizer of Medicinteknikdagarna, Linköping, 2011. Co-organizer and session chair of the 157th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, Oregon (2009) and the 164th meeting in Kansas City (2012). Member of the Technical Programme Committee, The International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, “Micro-TAS” (2012-2017). Co-organizer, chairman and member of the Scientific Committee of the Acoustofluidics Conference (2007-present), see: Conference Chair of USWNet meeting in Stockholm (2009).

12. Patents

“Methods and device for acoustic manipulation of particles, cells and viruses (European Patent No. 1915211). “Ultrasonic merging of particles” (Patent application No. 0950907-6).

13. Breaks (Parental leave)

50% part time (Jun. – Dec. 2005); full time (Jun. – Oct. 2007); 75% part time (Feb. – Apr. 2009); full time (Jun. 2009); 80% part time (Aug. 2010 – Feb. 2011). In total: 16 months (of full time).

[*] Established name (in e.g. publications): Wiklund. Name in national register: Viklund.