Publikationer av Ellen Bergseth
R. Hjelm et al., "A multi-perspective method for gear efficiency and contact analysis," Results in Engineering (RINENG), vol. 20, 2023.
G. Sannellappanavar, E. Lundberg och E. Bergseth, "Towards real time automated early gear failure detection," Tribologia, vol. 39, no. 3-4, s. 42-44, 2022.
E. Bergstedt et al., "Gear micropitting initiation of ground and superfinished gears : Wrought versus pressed and sintered steel," Tribology International, vol. 160, 2021.
E. Bergseth, Y. Zhu och A. Söderberg, "Study of Surface Roughness on Friction in Rolling/Sliding Contacts : Ball-on-Disc Versus Twin-Disc," Tribology letters, vol. 68, no. 2, 2020.
E. Bergseth et al., "A Wear Detection Parameter for the Wheel–Rail Contact Based on Emitted Noise," Tribology Transactions, vol. 62, no. 3, s. 496-503, 2019.
Y. Lyu et al., "A pin-on-disc study on the tribology of cast iron, sinter and composite railway brake blocks at low temperatures," Wear, s. 48-52, 2019.
E. Bergseth et al., "Effects of thrust washer bearing surface characteristics on planetary gear train wear," Wear, vol. 432-433, 2019.
Y. Lyu et al., "Effect of humidity on the tribological behaviour and airborne particle emissions of railway brake block materials," Tribology International, vol. 118, s. 360-367, 2018.
X. Li, U. Olofsson och E. Bergseth, "Pin-on-Disc Study of Tribological Performance of Standard and Sintered Gear Materials Treated with Triboconditioning Process: Pre-treatment by Pressure-induced Tribo-film formation," Tribology Transactions, vol. 60, no. 1, s. 47-57, 2017.
M. Höjer et al., "A noise related track maintenance tool for severe wear detection of wheel-rail contact," Civil-Comp Proceedings, vol. 110, 2016.
Y. Lyu, E. Bergseth och U. Olofsson, "Open System Tribology and Influence of Weather Condition," Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 2016.
Y. Lyu, E. Bergseth och U. Olofsson, "The effect of Subzero temperature and snow on the tribology of wheel-rail contact," Civil-Comp Proceedings, vol. 110, 2016.
Y. Lyu et al., "On the relationships among wheel–rail surface topography, interface noise and tribological transitions," Wear, vol. 338-339, s. 36-46, 2015.
E. Bergseth et al., "Effect of Gear Surface and Lubricant Interaction on Mild Wear," Tribology letters, vol. 48, no. 2, s. 183-200, 2012.
E. Bergseth, S. Sjöberg och S. Björklund, "Influence of real surface topography on the contact area ratio in differently manufactured spur gears," Tribology International, vol. 56, s. 72-80, 2012.
E. Bergseth och S. Björklund, "Logarithmical Crowning for Spur Gears," Strojniski vestnik, vol. 56, no. 4, s. 239-244, 2010.
E. Bergseth, M. Torbacke och U. Olofsson, "Wear in environmentally adapted lubricants with AW technology," Journal of Synthetic Lubrication, vol. 25, no. 4, s. 137-158, 2008.
P. Persson et al., "Systems Engineering in complex rail projects - a state-of-the-art scoping review," i ISSE 2024 - 10th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, Proceedings, 2024.
U. Olofsson et al., "Nanoparticle emissions from the transport sector: health and policy impacts - the nPETS concept," i 2022 Conference Proceedings Transport Research Arena, TRA Lisbon 2022, 2023, s. 248-255.
E. Bergseth et al., "A note on the pitting life of IQ steel versus 16MnCr5 steel in a back to back gear test rig," i 18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2018) in Uppsala on 18 - 21 June 2018, 2018.
E. Bergseth et al., "EXPERIENCES OF STUDYING GEAR TRIBOLOGY IN A FZG TEST SET-UP," i The 18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology – NORDTRIB 2018 18-21 June 2018, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2018.
Y. Lyu, E. Bergseth och U. Olofsson, "TRIBOLOGY OF THREE RAILWAY BRAKE BLOCK MATERIALS TESTED AGAINST RAILWAYWHEEL AT LOW TEMPERATURES," i The 18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology – NORDTRIB 201818-21 June 2018, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2018.
K. Mahmood Reza et al., "Assembly Feature Data Instance Modeling : Prototype Implementation and Outputs," i 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL, SYSTEM AND CONTROL ENGINEERING (ICMSC), 2017, s. 343-347.
E. Bergseth et al., "EFFECTS OF THRUST WASHER BEARING SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS ON PLANETARY GEAR TRAIN WEAR," i 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology - September 4-6, 2017, Lyon, France, 2017.
E. Bergseth et al., "Study of surface roughness and surface orientation on friction in rolling/sliding contacts: barrel-on-disc versus twin-disc," i Sixth World Tribology Congress (WTC 2017), Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2017, 2017.
Y. Lyu et al., "Development of a noise related track maintenance tool," i 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2015, 2015.
E. Bergseth et al., "Effect of gear surface and lubricant interaction on mild wear," i International Tribology Congress - ASIATRIB 2010 Perth, Australia, 5-9 December 2010, 2010.
S. Sjöberg, E. Bergseth och S. Björklund, "Influence of real surface topography on the contact area ratio in differently manufactured spur gears," i Proceedings of Tribology 2008 : Surface Engineering of Automotive Powertrains for Environmentally Friendly Transport, 2008.
E. Bergseth, M. Torbacke och U. Olofsson, "Wear in environmentally adapted lubricants with AW/EP technology," i Tech. Akad. Esslingen Int. Tribol. Colloq. Proc., 2008.
Icke refereegranskade
E. Bergseth, "On tribological design in gear tooth contacts," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-MMK, 2012:18, 2012.
E. Bergseth, "Influence of surface topography and lubricant design in gear contacts," Licentiatavhandling , TRITA-MMK, 2009:18.
E. Bergseth et al., "Investigation of pitting resistance in ultra clean IQ-Steel vs commonly used conventional steel; 158Q vs 16MnCr5 : Back-to-back pitting tests," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-MMK, 2015:07, 2015.
E. Bergseth, "Influence of gear surface roughness, lubricant viscosity and quality level on ISO 6336 calculation of surface durability," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-MMK, 2009:17, 2009.
M. Kumar et al., "Assembly of joints using threaded fasteners: Influence of fastener coating and joint surface topography," (Manuskript).
E. Bergseth, Y. Zhu och U. Olofsson, "Study of surface roughness and surface orientation onfriction in rolling/sliding contacts : barrel-on-disc versustwin-disc," (Manuskript).
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