Publikationer av Björn Berggren
R. Engström, N. Hurst och B. Berggren, "Professionalization of the real estate agent occupation : A comparative study of Australia and Sweden," Property Management, vol. 41, no. 1, s. 60-83, 2023.
N. Lundahl, L. Silver och B. Berggren, "Giving Relevant Advice to Small Business Owners : The Crucial Role of Local Savings Banks," Journal of Rural and Community Development, vol. 17, no. 3, s. 39-61, 2022.
M. Ahlenius et al., "The occupational life cycle of real estate brokers: a cohort study," Journal of European Real Estate Research, vol. 15, no. 3, s. 351-367, 2022.
M. Ahlenius, B. Berggren och J. Kågström, "Exploring Motivational Factors Among High Performing Real Estate Brokers: The Swedish Case," Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, vol. 23, no. 1, s. 20-37, 2021.
T. Connell-Variy, B. Berggren och T. McGough, "Housing Markets and Resource Sector Fluctuations : A Cross-Border Comparative Analysis," Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 16, 2021.
I. Kulkov et al., "Navigating uncharted waters : Designing business models for virtual and augmented reality companies in the medical industry," Journal of engineering and technology management, vol. 59, 2021.
C. S. T. Ho, "The Effect of Bank Branch Closure on New Firm Formation: The Swedish Case," The annals of regional science, vol. 65, no. 2, s. 319-350, 2020.
I. Kulkov et al., "The importance of financial resources and ownership of intellectual property rights for university spin-offs : the cases of Finland and Sweden," Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 27, no. 7, s. 1125-1147, 2020.
B. Berggren, A. Fili och M. Wilhelmsson, "Homeownership and entrepreneurship A regional and industrial analysis of house prices and startups," International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, vol. 12, no. 3, s. 456-473, 2019.
B. Berggren, A. Fili och M. H. Wilhelmsson, "Does the increase in house prices influence the creation of business startups? : The case of Sweden," Region, vol. 4, no. 1, s. 1-16, 2017.
L. Silver, M. Johanson och B. Berggren, "Entrepreneurial orientation, control aversion and performance in SMEs : The contribution of equity investors," Problems & Perspectives in Management, vol. 14, no. 3, s. 55-64, 2016.
L. Silver, B. Berggren och A. Fili, "The role of crowdfunding in entrepreneurial ventures : An analysis of recent trends in Sweden," Investment Management and Financial Innovations, vol. 13, no. 1, s. 221-229, 2016.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Entrepreneurial control aversion and bank financing in Swedish SMEs," Banks and Bank Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, s. 65-74, 2015.
L. Silver, N. Lundahl och B. Berggren, "Revisiting control aversion : The role of financiers in connecting entrepreneurs to the marketplace," Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 22, no. 3, s. 417-432, 2015.
S. Azasu och B. Berggren, "Using constructive alignment to improve student research and writing skills : A case study of a master's program in real estate management," International Journal of Learning and Change, vol. 8, no. 1, s. 83-100, 2015.
A. Fili, B. Berggren och L. Silver, "The impact of financial capital, human capital and social capital on the evolution of Business Angel Networks," International Journal of Corporate Governance, vol. 4, no. 3, s. 209-228, 2013.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Financing entrepreneurship in different regions: The failure to decentralise financing to regional centres in Sweden," Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 17, no. 2, s. 230-246, 2010.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The effect of syndication on the performance of venture capitalists' portfolio firms: The Swedish case," Journal of International Finance and Economics, vol. 10, no. 1, s. 100-109, 2010.
L. Silver, B. Berggren och F. Vegholm, "The impact of investment readiness on investor commitment and market accessibility in SMEs," Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, vol. 23, no. 1, s. 81-95, 2010.
B. Berggren, E. Liljefrost och A. Nilsson, "Risk management strategies in housing finance: Three case studies of creating sustainable housing finance models for low-income households in developing countries," International Journal of Business Research, vol. 9, no. 3, s. 153-165, 2009.
L. Silver och B. Berggren, "The close relationship strategy : Corporate brand development in banking," Journal of Brand Management, vol. 17, no. 4, s. 289-300, 2009.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "The effect of bridging networks on entrepreneurial activity: The rational-legal framework and embeddedness in local social capital networks," Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in the Global Economy, vol. 3, no. 2, s. 125-137, 2009.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The effect of business cycles on entrepreneurial control aversion and the search for external financing in SMEs," International Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 9, no. 2, s. 33-47, 2009.
B. Berggren och A. Fili, "When things go wrong: Business angels' use of cues in judging their investment relations," International Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 8, no. 2, s. 48-58, 2008.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "Control aversion and the search for external financing in Swedish SMEs," Small Business Economics, vol. 15, no. 3, s. 233-242, 2000.
C. S. T. Ho och B. Berggren, "The Influence of Bank Branch Closure on Entrepreneurship Sustainability," i The Influence of Bank Branch Closure on Entrepreneurship Sustainability, 2018.
B. Berggren, A. Fili och O. Nordberg, "Experience of digital examination in Sweden : Some preliminary findings from three different perspectives," i INTED2015 Proceedings, 2015, s. 4001-4007.
B. Berggren, M. Hullgren och I. Söderberg, "Housing finance in Sweden : The development of local PPP-solutions and the role of savings banks," i ARES Conference, Fort Myers, USA, 2015, 2015.
B. Berggren, A. Fili och M. Wilhelmsson, "The relationship between house prices and business start-ups : A research note," i ARES Conference, Fort Myers, USA, 2015.
L. Silver, B. Berggren och A. Fili, "The role of crowdfunding in entrepreneurial ventures : A research note," i EBES Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
L. Silver och B. Berggren, "Sustatining entrepreneurship in subarctic peripheral regions," i ICSB, Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
L. Silver, B. Berggren och A. Fili, "Increasing the heterogeneity and competition of early stage financing : An analysis of the role of crowdfunding in entrepreneurial ventures," i International conference on entrepreneurship, innovation and development, Dubai, UAE, 2013.
B. Berggren, A. Fili och L. Silver, "Innovation and entrepreneurship in local savings banks in Sweden : Revitalizing local capital markets," i International conference on entrepreneurship, innovation and development, DUBAI, UAE, 2013, 2013.
L. Silver och B. Berggren, "Commercial real estate and business angel activity," i ERES 2009. Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures. Cyprus. 11 - 13 May, 2009, 2009.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The effect of business cycles on entrepreneurial control aversion and the search for external financing in SMEs," i IABE 2009, Las Vegas, October 18-21 2009, 2009.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The effect of syndication on the performance of venture capitalists’ portfolio firms : The Swedish case," i ERES 2009. Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures. Cyprus. 11 - 13 May, 2009, 2009.
N. Lundahl, B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Lokala små och medelstora företag : Hur använder de sina styrelser och hur är de sammansatta?," i 17th Nordic conference on business studies, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2003.
F. Vegholm, B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Tillväxt i mindre företag : Betydelsen av entreprenörens vilja och företagets potential," i 17th Nordic conference on business studies, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2003.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "Learning to handle control aversion," i The third international Stockholm seminar on risk behaviour and risk management, 1999, s. 70-81.
Kapitel i böcker
B. Berggren, "Tillväxt och lönsamhet i småföretag - finansiärers bidrag sett ur företagets perspektiv," i Småföretaget och kapitalet, Hans Landsröm red., Stockholm, : SNS förlag, 2003, s. 45-64.
B. Berggren, G. Lindström och C. Olofsson, "Tillväxt och finansiering i mindre företag," i Tillväxtföretagen i Sverige, Per Davidsson, Frédéric Delmar & Johan Wiklund red., Stockholm : SNS förlag, 2001, s. 250-271.
Icke refereegranskade
S. Azasu och B. Berggren, "Integrating research into teaching using constructive alignment," i 18th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2011.
A. Fili, B. Berggren och L. Silver, "The influence of strategy on survival and growth in business angel networks in Sweden," i Academy of Business Research, 2011.
B. Berggren och C. Olofsson, "Financing SMEs in different stages of the business cycle : Analyzing the financial search activity of Swedish SMEs between 1991 and 2000," i Proceedings of the 6th International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, 2009, s. 309-323.
B. Berggren et al., "Conflicts in business angel networks : An evolutionary perspective," i Babson-konferensen, Madrid, 2007, 2007.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "Do too many cooks spoil the broth? : The effect of syndication on the performance of venture capitalists' portfolio firms in Sweden," i Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006 : Proceedings of the 3rd International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, 2006, s. 778-779.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "Syndication in the venture capital industry during different stages of the business cycle," i 50th ICSB conference in Washington, 2005.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The development of the venture capital industry in Sweden," i 2nd EDGE conference in Singapore, 2005.
B. Berggren et al., "You will get what you give : Entrepreneurs' images of their advisors," i RENT XIX conference, Neapel, 2005.
B. Berggren et al., "Crisis management: Entrepreneurship and social capital in local business communities," i RENT XVIII conference in Copenhagen, 2004.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "Financing entrepreneurship in different regions : The failure to decentralize financing to regional centres in Sweden," i RENT XVIII conference in Copenhagen, 2004.
B. Berggren, C. Olofsson och L. Silver, "The long road to freedom - The impact of business cycles on control aversion among entrepreneurs," i Babson/Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Glasgow, 2004.
Kapitel i böcker
L. Silver, N. Lundahl och B. Berggren, "Strategy selection in business angel networks: Venture capital strategy and entrepreneurial business angel strategy," i Network strategies for regional growth, Johanson, M and Lundberg, H. red., 1. uppl. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, s. 185-206.
L. Silver, N. Lundahl och B. Berggren, "Strategy selection in business-angel networks : Venture-capital strategy and entrepreneurial business-angel strategy," i Network Strategies for Regional Growth, Martin Johanson 1 Heléne Lundberg red., : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, s. 185-206.
B. Berggren et al., "Bankers finansiering av små och medelstora företag," i Finanssektorns rolli samhällsbyggandet, Eriksson, Kent och Söderberg, Inga-Lill red., 1. uppl. : SparbanksAkademin, 2009, s. 50-55.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Utvecklingen av det finansiella systemet: Konsekvenser för finansieringen av små och medelstora företag i Sverige," i Finanssektorns roll i samhällsbyggandet, Eriksson, Kent och Söderberg, Inga-Lill red., 1. uppl. : SparbanksAkademin, 2009, s. 132-137.
B. Berggren, "Finansiering av mindre företag," i Mikrofinans - Ger fler småskaliga initiativ ökat globalt välstånd?, Söderberg, Inga-Lill red., 1. uppl. : SparbanksAkademin, 2007, s. 134-139.
B. Berggren et al., "Affärer mellan kunder och bank- och finansföretag," i Utveckling av kundrelationer i bank- och finansmarknader, Eriksson, Kent red., 1. uppl. : Studentlitteratur, 2006, s. 13-16.
B. Berggren, "Bankers relation till mindre företag : vad skapar goda relationer och vad kännetecknar dessa?," i Utveckling av kundrelationer i bank- och finansmarknader, Eriksson, Kent red., 1. uppl. : Studentlitteratur, 2006, s. 135-153.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "The role of business opportunity mediators in the entrepreneurial process," i Managing Opportunity Development in Business Networks, Hadjikhani, Amjad and Johanson, Jan red., 1. uppl. : Cambridge University Press, 2006, s. 235-249.
B. Berggren och A. Fili, "Entreprenörskap och tillväxt i Högsby och Mönsterås : En förstudie," , TRITA-FOB, 2013-2, 2013.
B. Berggren och A. Fili, "Nyföretagandets villkor i Högsby och Mönsterås," , TRITA-FOB, 2013-4, 2013.
B. Berggren och A. Fili, "Tillväxthinder och utvecklingsmöjligheter bland företagen i Högsby och Mönsterås," , TRITA-FOB, 2013-3, 2013.
B. Berggren, "Role, motivation and criteria for success in private public partnerships : The case of housing finance for low-income households," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2010.
B. Berggren och L. Silver, "Regelverkens inverkan på mindre företags möjligheter att få finansiering," , 2007.
C. Olofsson och B. Berggren, "De mindre företagens finansiella villkor : En replikstudie," Uppsala : CEF, CEF Working report, 1998:102, 1998.
C. Sin Tian Ho och B. Berggren, "The influence of bank branch closure on entrepreneurship sustainability," (Manuskript).
S. Katzler, B. Berggren och C. Gustafsson, "Will outsourcing of commercial real estate management add to performance : A quantitative analysis of the Swedish real estate market," (Manuskript).
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