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Victor Baconnet

Profile picture of Victor Baconnet

Doctoral student


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About me

I am a PhD student in Computational Fluid Dynamics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. I joined the Department of Engineering Mechanics in December 2022, where I have been working on stability and transition under the supervision of Prof. Dan Henningson. I am also part of SeRC and the Linné FLOW Center.

My project focuses on Free-Stream Turbulence (FST) induced transition, for which we run simulations on the new GPU-accelerated spectral element solver Neko.

My office is located at Osquars Backe 18, floor 7, office 2717.

I am also a PhD Student Representative (PAD) for the Doctoral Programme in Engineering Mechanics and sit on the PhD Student Council of the SCI School.

Previously, I worked at The University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) on a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model for wind energy forecasting, under the supervision of Prof. Roland Stull.

I also have experience in CFD modelling for coastal engineering. During my time as a CFD Engineer at ACRI-IN (Sophia-Antipolis, France), I built digital twins for both experimental setups and life-sized coastal structures.

I hold an Engineering Diploma (Diplôme d'Ingénieur) in Mechanical Engineering from Polytech Lyon and an M.Sc. in Fluid Mechanics from Université Lyon 1 & Ecole Centrale de Lyon, both obtained in 2021. I am also a Transport Canada licenced Private Pilot and did my training in Vancouver, Canada.


Fluid Mechanics for Engineers (SG1220), assistant | Course web

Mechanics I (SG1130), assistant | Course web