Arjun Rajendran Menon
Doctoral student
About me
I am a PhD Student in Mediated Communication focusing on 'Digital Technologies for Sustainable Behaviour' at the department of Media Technology and Interaction Design at the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
My current research focuses on exploring how digital technologies can be used to drive behaviour change geared towards sustainability within a home context. My interests lie at the intersection of physical interaction design, behaviour change, sustainability and computing. I am a member of the Sustainable Futures Lab research team and a part of the KITCHEN and Energy Communities: A Common Cause? projects.
I have a background in Electronics and Biomedical Engineering and also have a M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering focusing on Interactive Media Technology. Prior to my current position at KTH I have worked as a software engineer and user expereience designer. If you would like to know more about me, please check out my LinkedIn!
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (DA256X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (DA258X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Interactive Media Technology, Second Cycle (DA232X), teacher | Course web
Haptics, Tactile and Tangible Interaction (DH2670), teacher, assistant | Course web
Human-Computer Interaction, Research Seminars (DH2632), teacher, assistant | Course web
Interaction Programming and the Dynamic Web (DH2642), assistant | Course web
Leading Complex Change Processes (DM2800), teacher | Course web
Media Technology and Interaction Design (DM2601), teacher | Course web
Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces (DT2140), assistant | Course web
Program Integrating Course in Sustainable Digitalisation (DM2802), teacher | Course web
Sustainability and Media Technology (DM2573), teacher | Course web