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Digital adoption and value creation in real estate management – a system perspective.

Digitalization can act as a catalyst for sustainable development, as technological advancement and unobstructed information flows are prerequisites for efficient use of resources. Much development is driven in collaboration, and today we see a range of initiatives by both new and existing networks to promote development in digitalization.

When it comes to digitalization in real estate management today, much activity takes place on the discourse level. The internal capabilities of real estate owners and service companies are crucial to facilitate development in this field. Furthermore, to efficiently drive sustainable change in a field, actors need to understand the system for learning and innovation as well as their own role in it.

The objective of this project is to establish an overall understanding of the innovation system/business ecosystem within the real estate sector with specific reference to selected aspects of digitalization. Our aim is to understand the organizational challenges that real estate owners are facing, and to identify capabilities which are needed in order to redefine their contribution towards a digitalized built environment and society. We also map how owner relationships to networks, suppliers, customers and other external sources influence their development initiatives as well as the innovation system in this field.

The knowledge created will inform owner innovation strategies, as these companies will gain deeper insight into their own needs and opportunities by learning about how their peers approach the same phenomenon. It will also be useful to various network managers, who may better understand how to address and match the needs and competences of real estate owners. The same applies to suppliers from inside and outside the real estate sector.


Project funded by Formas (Smart Built environment, SIP). 

Research group include: Anna Kadefors, KTH; Olli Kytömäki, KTH, Christina Gustafsson , KTH