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Bachelor Thesis

This thesis was written during the spring of 2013 and finished in late May. It was conducted in affiliation with the Departement of Fusion Plasma Physics (FPP), School of Electrical Engineering (EES), KTH.

Thesis abstract:

"In this report, a study of how the magnetic field provides confinement in a fusion device has been conducted. For this purpose, a model of the magnetic field at different positions inside the device has been developed. The magnetic field model is implemented using numerical software together with a simple description of the fusion plasma in order to calculate single charged particle orbits inside the device. The orbits are studied to examine how they are affected when the input parameters of the model is varied.

The studies showed that there are two typical types of particle orbits: the trapped particle orbit and the passing particle orbit. The orbit type is related to the amount of parallel velocity with respect to the magnetic field: a large parallel velocity generates a passing particle orbit whilst a small parallel velocity generates a trapped particle orbit. The studies also investigates what happens to the confinement as the parallel velocity reach its limit between the trapped and passing particle orbit.

The studies also examines the relationship between the level of confinement and the plasma current. An increasing plasma current improves particle confinement and a simple model to describe this relationship is developed and tested.

This report is a bachelor thesis from the department of Fusion Plasma Physics, School of Electrical Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm." 

Complete Thesis:

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis Appendix

Thesis Presentation:

Presentation date: 2013-05-13.

Bachelor Thesis Presentation Slides

External Reference

See the Departement of Fusion Plasma Physics Annual Reports. More Specifically, the Annual Report 2013, page 37.

Profilbild av Adam Knutsson
