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Adam Knutsson

Profile picture of Adam Knutsson

About me


I was a student at the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering (CELTE) between the autumn of 2010 and autumn of 2015.

I worked on my Bachelor thesis during the spring semester of 2013 and completed it in late may. The thesis was conducted in affiliation with the department of Fusion Plasma Physics (FPP) at the School of Electrical Engineering (EES), KTH. The main field of study was Modelling and Simulation of Plasma Particle Motion. I received my Bachelor's Degree in the summer of 2013.

As of the fall semester of 2013, I was a student at the Masters Programme in Systems, Control and Robotics (TSCRM) with a specialization track in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (AS).

During the spring semester and summer of 2015 I worked on my Master thesis at the Computer Vision and Active Perception Lab (CVAP) at the School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC), KTH. My main field of study was Deep Learning and Computer Vision. The project also relied heavily on Parallel Computing and GPGPU Technology. My supervisors were Hedvig Kjellström and Alessandro Pieropan. The thesis was examined by Danica Kragic Jensfelt. I received my Master's Degree in Systems, Control and Robotics, and my Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering, in the summer of 2016.

As of February 2016 I'm working as a development engineer.


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