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Abbas Zangeneh Kamali

Profilbild av Abbas Zangeneh Kamali

Affilierad fakultet



Om mig

After receiving a MSc. in Hydraulic Structures (Civil Engineering) from Iran in 2003 and a MSc. in Infrastructure Engineering from KTH in 2012, I started working for ELU Konsult AB as a numerical analyst / structural engineer. Parallel to my industrial career, I received my Ph.D. in dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis of high-speed railway bridges from division of Structural Engineering and Bridges, KTH in 2021. 

During the fall of 2018, I spent one month as a visiting researcher at KU Leuven, division of structural mechanics, led by Prof. Geert Degrande. The research involved modal analysis of strongly coupled soil-structure systems using mixed FE-PML models.

My research areas involve:

  •  Dynamic soil-structure interaction.
  •  Railway bridge dynamics for high-speed trains.
  •  Experimental dynamic testing and FE-model updating.
  •  Ground borne vibration in buildings.
  •  Nonlinear FE-analysis of concrete structures.
  •  Wind-induced vibration of bridges.


Finita elementmetoder i analys och design (AF2024), assistent, lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Abbas Zangeneh Kamali

