Farazee Mohammad Abdullah Asif
Assistant professor, Researcher
About me
Farazee Asif is a Docent in Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS). He started his career in the Department of Production Engineering as an M.Sc. student in 2005. He joined the department as a faculty member in 2006 and since then he has been involved in both research and education. His research falls in the area of Circular Economy in a broader sense but deals mainly with the modelling and simulation of complex systems relevant to Circular Manufacturing Systems aimed at resource conservation. He is also involved in educational activities and currently holds the position of coordinator of the international M.Sc. programme in Production Engineering and Management. He is the course responsible and main teacher in the graduate courses, Circular Manufacturing Systems and Quality Control.
- 2023- Docent in Circular Manufacturing Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- 2017- Technology Doctorate in Production Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Specialization: Circular Manufacturing Systems
- 2011- Technology Licentiate in Production Engineering,KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Specialization: Circular Economy
- 2006 - M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Högskolan Dalarna, Sweden. Specialization: Product Design and Production Development
- 2009-2010- Pedagogical education, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Specialization: Engineering Education
- 2002- B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh.
Research projects
- Vinnova iReGear: Feasibility study of integrating remanufactured gearboxes in production line of new trucks
- Horizon Europe DiCiM: Digitalised Value Management for unlocking the potential of the Circular Manufacturing Systems with integrated digital solutions.
- Vinnova Ingenjör 4.0: A module-based upskilling program for future manufacturing.
- Nordic Innovation CATALY(C)ST-Youth Change Makers as Catalysts for a Transition to a Sustainable Circular Economy (ongoing)
- Produktion2030 CEPort - Material Passport: A digital platform for manufacturing industry to implement Circular Production Systems (December 2019)
- VINNOVA CIS Sotenäs- Implementing IoT in Creating a Circular Industrial Symbiosis Network- A case of Sotenäs Municipality (ongoing)
- H2020 ReCiPSS- Resource-efficient Circular Product-Service Systems (ongoing)
- Produktion2030CiNergy-Circular Manufacturing in Energy Industry (May 2017)
- EUREKA Eurostars SerBIT-Integrated IT-platform to support OEMs in implementing Service Based Business Model (September 2019)
- ResCoM- Resource Conservative Manufacturing- transforming waste into high value resource through closed-loop product systems (November 2017)
- Vinnova Forska & Väx - Innovative small and Medium size Industry- Intergrade IT platform for Service Based Business Model/ Integrerad IT-plattform för servicebaserade affärsmodeller för SMEs inom - (February 2016)
- Vinnova FFI- Environmentally adapted metal manufacturing processes; chemicals, energy and waste material recycling/Enviroman, Miljö- och kretsloppsanpassade tillverkningsprocesser för metalliska material – (October 2015)
- Swedish institute - SI Lifecycle Management and Sustainability in the Baltic Region( December 2013)
- Vinnova FFI-Environment friendly factory /Miljövänliga energi effektiva fabriker-( May 2012)
- KTH-sustainability funded multidisciplinary collaborative project- (2014)
Educational projects
- Tempus- Middle eastern partnership in sustainable engineering (October 2014)
KTH’s internal project
- Education Assessment Exercise (EAE)- Participated in the project to evaluate quality of the master’s programme offered at KTH ( 2011)
Department’s internal project
- Designed number of E-learning courses and developed E-course platform, (2006-2007)
- Kokarea,S.; Shoaib-ul-Hasan, S,Asif, Farazee M. A.;Mårtensson,G.;Svanteson,K. (2023)Life Cycle Assessment of a Jet Printing and Dispensing Machine, 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, Lisbon, November 2023
Asif, Farazee M. A.; Salehi, N. & Lieder, M. (2022) Consumer perceptions of circular business model: a case of leasing strollers. 18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin, October 2022.
Roci, M.; Salehi, N.; Amir, S.;Asif, Farazee M. A.Shoaib-ul-Hasan, S.; & Rashid, A., Multi-method simulation modelling of Circular Manufacturing Systems for enhanced decision-making,MethodsX, 9 (2022): 101709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2022.101709
Roci, M.; Salehi, N.; Amir, S.; Shoaib-ul-Hasan, S.;Asif, Farazee M. A.; Mihelič, A. & Rashid, A. (2021) Towards circular manufacturing systems implementation: A complex adaptive systems perspective using modelling and simulation as a quantitative analysis tool,Journal of Sustainable Production and Consumption 31 (2022): 97-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.01.033
Kokare, S.,Asif, Farazee M. A., Mårtensson, G.et al. A comparative life cycle assessment of stretchable and rigid electronics: a case study of cardiac monitoring devices.Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03388-x
- Asif, Farazee M. A., Malvina Roci, Michael Lieder, Amir Rashid, Ales Mihelic, and Mr Simon Kotnik. "A methodological approach to design products for multiple lifecycles in the context of Circular Manufacturing Systems."Journal of Cleaner Production (2021): 126534.
- Shoaib-ul-Hasan, S.; Roci, M.;Asif, Farazee M. A.; Salehi, N.; Rashid, A. Analyzing Temporal Variability in Inventory Data for Life Cycle Assessment: Implications in the Context of Circular Economy.Sustainability, 2021,13, 344.
- Rashid, A; Roci, M.;Asif, Farazee M. A.(2020). Circular Manufacturing Systems, chapter in the Circular Economy Handbook, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
- Amir, S.;Asif, Farazee M. A., Roci, M. (2020). Towards Circular Economy: enhanced decision making in circular manufacturing systems, chapter in the Sustainable Consumption and Production: Circular Economy and Beyond, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
- Lieder, M.;Asif, Farazee M.A.; Rashid, A. (2020). A choice behavior experiment with circular business models using machine learning and simulation modeling (Accepted for publication inJournal of Cleaner Production)
- Asif, Farazee M.A.et al(2018). A practical ICT framework for transition to circular manufacturing systems, 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Lieder, M.;Asif, Farazee M.A.; Rashid, A.; Mihelič, A. & Kotnik, S. (2018). A conjoint analysis of circular economy value propositions for consumers: Using “washing machines in Stockholm” as a case study.Journal of Cleaner Production,172, 264-273.
- Lieder, M.;Asif, Farazee M.A.; Rashid, A., Mihelič, A. & Kotnik, S. (2017). Towards circular economy implementation in manufacturing systems using a multi-method simulation approach to link design and business strategy,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (online)
- Lieder, M.;Asif, Farazee M. A.& Amir Rashid (2017). Towards Circular Economy Implementation: An agent-based simulation approach for business model changes,Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s10458-017-9365-9
- Asif, Farazee M. A. (2017). Circular Manufacturing Systems: A development framework with analysis methods and tools for implementation, PhD thesis in Production Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, June 2017
- Michael Lieder, Ruud de Bruijckere,Asif, Farazee M. A. , Mattias Löfstrand, Amir Rashid (2016). An IT-platform prototype as enabler for service-based business models in manufacturing industry, Proceedings of The 7th International Swedish Production Symposium 2016, Lund, Sweden.
- Asif, Farazee M. A.; Lieder, Michael & Rashid, Amir (2016). Multi-method simulation based tool to evaluate economic and environmental performance of circular product systems,Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 1261-1281.
- Asif, Farazee M.A., Amir Rashid, Carmine Bianchi, Cornel M. Nicolescu, System dynamics models for decision making in product multiple lifecycles,Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 101, August 2015, Pages 20-33
- Xu, Z.; Asif, Farazee M. A.; Löfstrand, M; Rashid, A. & Tymoshenko, S. (2014), Information Requirements and Management for Service Based Business Models, Proceedings of The 6th International Swedish Production Symposium 2014, paper no. 63, 16-18 September 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Rashid, A.,Asif, Farazee M. A., Krajnik, P. & Nicolescu, Cornel M. (2013). Resource Conservative Manufacturing: An essential change in business and technology paradigm for sustainable manufacturing."Journal of Cleaner Production, 57, 166–177.
- Asif, Farazee M. A., Bianchi C., Rashid, A. & Nicolescu, Cornel M. (2012). Performance Analysis of the Closed Loop Supply Chain,Journal of Remanufacturing, 2:4 (6 November 2012)
- Adane, Tigist F., Nafisi,M., Asif, Farazee M.A., Semere, Daniel T., Nicolescu, Cornel M. (2012). System Dynamics Analysis of Energy Usage: Case Studies in Automotive Manufacturing. Proceeding of the 5th International Swedish Production Symposium, 6th – 8th of November 2012, Linköping, Sweden
- Rashid, A.,Asif, Farazee M. A., Krajnik, P. & Nicolescu, Cornel M. (2012). Multiple Life Cycles Product Systems: Redefining the Manufacturing Paradigm for Resource Efficient Production and Consumption, CIRP 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, 31st October- 2nd November, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Asif, Farazee M. A. (2011). Resource Conservative Manufacturing: a new generation of manufacturing, Licentiate thesis in Production Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, September 2011, 978-91-7501-112-7
- Asif, Farazee M. A. & Nicolescu, C. M., (2010). Minimizing Uncertainty Involved in Designing the Closed-loop Supply Network for Multiple-lifecycle of Products, Proceeding of the 21st DAAAM World Symposium, October 2010, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia (the paper has been accepted by the review committee)
- Asif, Farazee M. A.; Semere, D. T.; Nicolescu, C. M. & Haumann, M., (2010). Methods Analysis of Remanufacturing Options for Repeated Lifecycle of Starters and Alternators. The Proceeding of the 7th International DAAAM Baltic Conference ,"Industrial Engineering”, Kyttner, B (Ed)., pp 340-345, ISBN-978-9985-59-982-2, 22-25 April2010, Tallinn, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Asif, Farazee M. A.; Semere, D. T.& Nicolescu, C. M. (2009).A Novel Concept for the End-of-life Vehicle (ELV).The Proceeding of the International 3rd Swedish Production Symposium, Rosen, B. G., pp 325-331, ISBN: 978-91 633-6006-0, 2-3 December 2009, Göteborg, Sweden
- Asif, Farazee M. A., (2004). Methods of Concept generation for Product Development. The proceedings from the 2nd seminar on Development of Modular Products, Erixon, G. & Kenger, P., pp 73-78, 13-14 December, 2004, Campus Framtidsdalen, Dalarna University, Sweden
- Doctoral thesis- Circular Manufacturing Systems: A development framework with analysis methods and tools for implementation
- Licentiate thesis- Resource Conservative Manufacturing: A New Generation of Manufacturing
- M.Sc. thesis- Reliability analysis of Manufacturing Systems, Implementing Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in small sized industry
Additive Manufacturing (MG2044), teacher | Course web
Applied Statistics for Quality Development (MG1204), examiner | Course web
Circular Economy and Industrial Systems (MJ111V), teacher | Course web
Circular Manufacturing Systems (MG2043), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Production (MG1024), teacher | Course web
Quality Control (MG2033), examiner, teacher | Course web