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The triangle of projects in the PMH R&D Cluster.

The PMH and its partners carry out research projects. The type of project can be either public funded R&D, collaborative R&D or individual R&D.

Public funded R&D projects

Public funded projects are financed by a public funding organization and co-funded by the project consortium in terms of in-kind contributions to the project.

Testbed for Sustainable Milling with MQL
Digitalized collaboration for competitive and sustainable product realization (GIMLE)
DigIn: Digital Infrastructure for Smart Factories
Forum for Industrial Interoperability
Digital Twin of a Cutting Tool
National testbed for smart production

Collaborative R&D projects

The Collaborative R&D projects are jointly carried out within the PMH R&D Cluster. The projects are executed by the research partners and the results are shared between all involved parties, thus allowing for high synergies and significant benefits of cooperation particularly for pre-competitive issues. The projects are financed by the Collaborative R&D expenses of the industrial partners.

Pre-study: MQL in milling
Polishing and superfinishing of gears
Machining Test Method for Simplified Gear Cutting
Hard Turning of Functional Surfaces
Robust and efficient chip breaking
Sensorless Smart Machine-State Monitoring
Wireless Sensor Netwroks for IIoT
Pre-study: Super Finishing of Gears
Clean Steels
Model-Based Definition at the Workshop Floor
Machining of Spray Coated Surfaces
Pre-study: Information Management
Sensing for Smart Machining
Hard Machining of Internal Gears 2
Smart Factory - Smart Machine Tools
Hard Machining of Internal Gears
Sensor Based Metrology

Individual R&D projects

Individual R&D projects are carried out by one or several research partners for individual industry partners and have a confidential character. This gives the industrial partners the possibility to obtain solutions for individual challenges concerning powertrain production. The projects are financed by the individual R&D expenses of the industrial partners.

Ongoing confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Ongoing confidential project in Smart Manufacturing
Manufacturing Technologies for Truck Components
Finalized confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Ongoing confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Ongoing confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Smart Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Ongoing confidential project in Machining and Forming
Robust and Efficient Deep Hole Drilling
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Ongoing confidential project in Machining and Forming
CHARMS: Characterization of Machining Systems
Finalized confidential project in Manufacturing of Electric Powertrains
Finalized confidential project in Gear Manufacturing
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming
Finalized confidential project in Machining and Forming

If you are interested in more details about the projects, please contact:

Dr.-Ing. Jannik Henser
Dr.-Ing. Jannik Henser Managing Director +46 8 790 9068
Brinellvägen 68 114 28 Stockholm Sweden Room K 534