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Open position: Research engineer for smart manufacturing

Published Jan 30, 2018

PHM - Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles - Application Lab is a research center at KTH which is operated in collaboration with the German research organization Fraunhofer and the Swedish network of research and technology organizations RISE. Above all, PMH Application Lab focuses on research and development for the improvement of technology in powertrain manufacturing for heavy vehicles on high technology readiness levels to strengthen the skills of the Swedish heavy vehicle industry in the area.

PMH Application Lab is now looking for a research engineer who will be focusing on new projects and research work in the field of smart manufacturing. In the role, you will support the leader of the PMH working group “Industry 4.0/smart manufaturing” and be involved in the set-up of a testbed for the group at KTH Campus.

The links to the advertisment can be found below:

