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Occupy Climate Change! Online Winter School 2022

The KTH Environmental Humanities Lab is arranging an online winter school in collaboration with several researchers in the Occupy Goes Global network. It will be a two-weekend interdisciplinary online winter school inviting early career researchers (master's students in their advanced thesis phase, Ph.D. students, and postdocs) to explore climate change and its consequences of loss and damage, for those interested in environmental justice, climate justice, environmental humanities, environmental history, media studies, political ecology, literature/ storytelling.

Time: Fri 2022-02-11 - Sat 2022-02-12

Language: English

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For who:

The winter school is for you who are specifically interested in interdisciplinary research and direct action, urban climate justice movements, the role of mainstream/counter-hegemonic imaginaries within climate change policies, and would like to contribute to the Atlas of Other World. The school has no tuition fee.


The school will take place online on 21-22 January (part 1) and 11-12 February (part 2). Application deadline was December 1 2021.

Confirmed Lecturers with respective fields of expertise

Marco Armiero ( KTH Environmental Humanities Lab, Sweden & Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo (CNR-ISMed), Italy) environmental humanities, and political ecology

Alessio Battistella (ARCò - Architecture and cooperation, Italy) sustainable architecture, and community development 

Gilda Berruti, (Department of Architecture, University "Federico II" Napoli, Italy) urban studies and governance

Ashley Dawson (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) urban studies, and resilient design

Robert Gioielli (University of Cincinnati, USA) race and sustainability, environmental institutions, and urban environmental history

Hanna Musiol (NTNU Environmental Humanities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) literary studies, transmedia storytelling, and human rights

Maria Federica Palestino (Department of Architecture, University "Federico II" Napoli, Italy) urban studies and governance

Elena Past (Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Wayne State University, USA) Italian cinema, and environmental media studies

Lise Sedrez (Instituto de História, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) latin american history, history of disasters, and urban environmental history

Bruno Venditto (Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo (CNR-ISMed) & Namibia University) migration, development, and economics