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KTH Innovation Catalyst: AI applications within industry

How can startups and industry work together to maximize the impact of artificial intelligence? Welcome to KTH Innovation Catalyst.

Tid: On 2023-10-25 kl 08.30 - 14.00

Plats: KTH Innovation, Teknikringen 1

Språk: English

Medverkande: KTH faculty, industry executives and KTH startup leaders

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Focus on AI

Welcome to KTH Innovation Catalyst: AI applications within industry, the second in our series of thematic events connecting industry with KTH startups.

How and where are industry leaders incorporating AI? What challenges are they encountering in terms of technology, people and processes? What innovations are emerging from KTH research and startups, and how are these solutions implemented by their industry partners?

Our program will offer a solution-oriented discussion and networking around AI and its business implications

Who should join?

KTH Innovation invites industry leaders, startup founders, investors, and academia. 

  • Are you a corporate representative looking to explore potential partnerships with KTH startups?
  • An investor looking for new deals?
  • Want to learn about emerging AI technologies and trends, and network with other leaders across industry, startups, venture capital and academia?

Then this is an event for you!


08:30-09:00 Registration, light breakfast and networking

09:00-09:10: Welcome & introduction by:

  • Lisa Ericsson, Head of KTH Innovation

  • Marcus Dahllöf, Director, Startup Industry Program, KTH Innovation

09:10-10:40: Keynotes and startup presentations from:

  • Iolanda Dos Santos Carvalho Leite, KTH Associate Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (20 min)

  • Oscar Örnberg, ML Solutions Engineering Lead, SuperAnnotate (20 min)
  • Anastasia Varava, Research Lead, SEBx , SEB (20 min)
  • Arnaud Heneville-Wedholm, Head of Commercial, Furhat Robotics  (10 min)
  • Karoly Szipka, CEO & Founder, iPercept (10 min)
  • Ulf Änggård, Director Industrial and AI, KTH Executive School  (10 min)

10:40-11:00: Networking break, startup exhibit

11:00-12:00: Keynotes and startup presentations from:

  • Padideh Kamali-Zare, CEO & Founder, Darmiyan (20 min)
  • Ted Schönbeck, Nordic CTO, Google (20 min)

  • Mohammad Davari, Co-Founder, Innobrain (10 min)

  • Sharouz Yousefi, CTO & Founder, ManoMotion (10 min)

12:00-12:40: Panel discussion


  • Padideh Kamali-Zare, CEO & Founder, Darmiyan  
  • Oscar Örnberg, ML Solutions Engineering Lead, SuperAnnotate  
  • Anastasia Varava, Research Lead, SEBx , SEB
  • Ted Schönbeck, Nordic CTO, Google


  • Hannes Eder Öhrström, Business Development Coach Digital Deeptech & AI, KTH Innovation

12:40-12:45: 1 minute pitches from startups:

  • Wergonic  - Transforming workplaces with wearable tech and data-driven digital ergonomics- Boosting comfort, cutting costs, and elevating productivity for a safer, healthier, and more efficient workforce.

  • Labelf AI  - A no-code platform for analyzing and automating your customer support and customer experience processes.
  • Terran AI  - Discover the experts and researchers you need with our AI-powered search and exclusive database to stay innovative and secure your next competitive edge.

12:45 – Lunch, startup exhibit, and networking

14:15 – End of program

Speaker bios 

Anastasia Varava

Anastasia Varava is a Research Lead at SEBx, an innovation studio at SEB, where she is working towards bringing state-of-the-art AI to real applications. She is also responsible for coordinating the Language track of WARA Media and Language , aiming to bridge the gap between academic research and industry, and contribute to the development and adoption of NLP tools and methods in Sweden. Prior to joining SEB, Anastasia completed her PhD in Computer Science at KTH, Stockholm, where she worked as a researcher. Anastasia’s scientific interests include AI with a focus on representation learning, and she contributes to research articles and mentoring PhD students within this area.

Arnaud Henneville-Wedholm

Arnaud Henneville-Wedholm is head of sales at Furhat Robotics and author of How Hard Can It Be, Startup Lessons From Trying (and Failing) To Take Down Facebook. He leads the commercial side of the business at Furhat Robotics, a company known for its most advanced social robot. Arnaud is the founder of multiple startups, including internalDesk, a SaaS platform for enterprise collaboration. internalDesk was acquired in 2019. Arnaud’s interest areas include entrepreneurship, neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy and everything related to mindset and longevity. 

Iolanda Leite

Iolanda Leite

Iolanda Leite is an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She holds a PhD in Information Systems and Computer Engineering from IST, University of Lisbon. Prior to joining KTH, she had postdoctoral appointments at Yale University and Disney Research. Her research goal is to develop social robots that can perceive, learn from and respond appropriately to people in real-world situations, allowing for truly efficient and engaging long-term interactions with people. 

Károly Szipka

a finely tuned, machine-configured AI services for maintenance and operational improvement of complex systems. Karoly has a background in mechatronics engineering and holds a PhD in Production Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and a Master's Degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. IPercept is the 2023 recipient of the Techarenan Challenge Industrial Award 2023. 

Oscar Örnberg

Oscar Örnberg

Oscar Örnberg is leading the Solution team at SuperAnnotate , working with top Fortune 500 companies to innovate and streamline their AI Data processes. Oscar has a background at KTH in Engineering Physics and a Master in System, Control and Robotics. SuperAnnotate attended KTH Innovations pre-incubator program in 2018 and now works with companies and teams worldwide. Working across machine learning fields to support natural language processing, computer vision, and generative AI among others, SuperAnnotate aims at bringing high quality data at the fingertips of their users, reducing time spent by teams polishing data and increasing AI efficiency. 

Padideh Kamali-Zare

Padideh Kamali-Zare is the CEO and Co-founder of Darmiyan. Darmiyan is a rapidly growing San Francisco-based biotech company working to revolutionize the way neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s are detected, monitored and stratified, using a cutting-edge neuroscience-powered AI & brain imaging software. Their first tool, BrainSee, is a Nobel Laureate-approved virtual microscope that illuminates brain tissue microstructure with geometrical modeling and biological physics, making it possible to virtually examine patients by reading between their MRI lines. Darmiyan is currently the only developer of a non-invasive technology that is able to detect Alzheimer’s Disease early. Padideh Kamali-Zare is the 2023 recipient of the KTH Innovation Award .

Shahrouz Yousefi

Shahrouz Yousefi

Shahrouz Yousefi is CTO and co-founder of ManoMotion , a deep-tech startup founded in 2015 after more than six years of research conducted by the founders at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The company specializes in developing vision-based AI technologies for human hand tracking and gesture control, utilizing standard cameras and CPUs found in smart devices and industrial machines. ManoMotion offers both software-only and hardware-agnostic products tailored to various market segments, including human safety in industrial settings, gesture-based human-machine interaction, and hand tracking and gesture control for professional head-mounted displays.

Ted Schönbeck

Ted Schönbeck, is the Nordic CTO at Google - he has over 20 years of experience in IT at some of the world's largest IT companies. He is a passionate advocate for cloud computing, digital transformation and AI, and a frequent speaker at industry events. Ted will discuss the creation of and the potential of Generative AI and explore the ways in which it can be used to improve businesses.