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How do you get an idea?

Publicerad 2017-02-27

On 16th March KTH Innovation will be giving their first workshop on the subject of ideation. The purpose is to dive head on into idea development even before there is an idea to work with. We caught up with the workshop leaders Patrik Lundmark and Nicole Forsberg for a chat.

Patrik Lundmark, Ideationcoach KTH Innovation.

Hi Patrik! You’re an Ideation Coach at KTH Innovation, what is that all about?
My job at KTH Innovation is to support projects in the very earliest stage. A large part of that is helping idea owners develop what is really just a hunch into a business idea that potential customers can see some value in. It is both a creative and structured process. 

What kind of ideas come to KTH?
A great variety of ideas as we are supporting all technological areas that KTH spans, but a substantial part of the projects are software related. Varieties of the same idea can re-appear year by year and others are the result of a specific market or technology trend.

What is the most common ”mistake” that idea owners make?
A usual mistake is to carry on developing your idea without feedback from potential customers at an early enough stage. Even if you think you have the ultimate service or product it is incredibly valuable to be open to feedback from outsiders. At the end of the day, it is the customers who must see the value of the solution, not just the idea owner.

And Nicole, you are also leading the workshop, what is your role?
My job is to join Patrik in giving the participants an overview of the tools available to identify and evaluate an idea effectively. We’re also going to demonstrate various methods for finding new business ideas and how an idea owner can work with an idea to see if it’s worth pursuing or not.

Who is this workshop for?
It’s for researchers and students at KTH who have a general interest in entrepreneurship but has not yet had an idea or, if they have, didn’t start to evaluate it yet.

Would you like to join the Ideation workshop on March 16th?

Please, Click here!