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R&D-project: Ergo-Index Etapp 2: The objective of the project is to develop a practically usable analysis tool, Ergo-Index, that can be used in the work environment work at companies.

The method can be used to analyse different ways to carry out a work task, both from physical ergonomic and time aspects, which also affect production economics. This way production methods that lower the physical load and the risk for work related musculoskeletal injuries can be motivated, and they can be chosen and combined with good production economics. The objective is also to apply the methods on some typical work tasks in the construction industry and gather the examples in an example bank and disseminate knowledge about the results among companies, scientists and in education. The project is carried out in co-operation with different actors in the construction industry and relevant research groups. The project is financed by AFA Försäkring and managed by KTH Technology and Health and Division of Ergonomics (Ergonomics Department) (2009-2010) with Linda Rose as project manager.

Key-words: model, physical ergonomics, recovery, time aspects, personal injury risks, tool.


Linda Rose telephone +46 8 790 9496

Mail to Linda Rose