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Research on the neuromechanics of neuromuscular impairment

Interview with Asta Kizyte

Picture of Asta Kizyte giving a lecture at KTH
Published Jun 26, 2024

Asta Kizyte has presented her licentiate thesis at KTH. We asked her about her current and future research in the area of neuromuscular conditions.

Hi Asta Kizyte. What is your Licentiate thesis about?

My thesis is focused on the neuromechanics of neuromuscular impairment. In other words, I study how the nervous system of people with movement-related disorders operates during the control of the muscles. To achieve this, I use a technique called high-density electromyography to study the neuron behavior closely.

Link to thesis

What benefits and contributions to health, healthcare, and people with motor disability could your research add to?

One of the greatest aspects of my work is that my research isn't just academic—it has practical implications for improving healthcare. By gaining insights into neuromuscular conditions, we can develop better treatments and support for those affected. For individuals with motor disabilities, this could mean access to more tailored interventions and technologies to enhance their quality of life.

Could you tell us a bit about you backgrund?

My academic path started in Vilnius Tech, Lithuania, where I earned a bachelor's degree in biomechanics. During this time, I became interested in how natural body signals can be used in robotics. Later on, I pursued a master's degree at Chalmers University of Technology, where I studied Biomedical Engineering. My master’s studies included topics in biosignal processing and mechatronics. Now, with a diverse background in both mechanical and electrical engineering, I'm ready to take on new challenges and contribute to meaningful work.

When do you plan to defend your PhD thesis and what is the next step after that?

As I near the end of my doctoral studies, the next step for me is completing my thesis and acquiring the PhD degree, planned in the first quarter of 2025. It's an exciting time as I bring together years of research into a cohesive body of work. Beyond academia, I’m looking forward to exploring opportunities in the industry where I can apply my expertise to practical problems.

Visit Asta Kizyte’s profile page

Belongs to: MoveAbility Lab
Last changed: Jun 26, 2024