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Research on muscle function using medical imaging

Interview with Zhongzheng Wang

Picture of Zhongzheng Wang
Published May 27, 2024

Zhongzheng Wang has presented his licentiate thesis at KTH. We asked him about his current and future research on muscle function.

Hi Zhongzheng Wang! What is your Licentiate thesis about? 

It concerns evaluating muscle function and quality, using medical imaging. I used two non-invasive and radiation-free imaging modalities, ultrasound and magnet resonance imaging, MRI, to study the macro- and micro-structures, mechanical properties, compositions, and quality of muscles. I work with both the development of innovative medical imaging techniques and the clinical application of these techniques.

Link to thesis

What benefits and contributions to health, healthcare, and people with motor disability could your research add to?

I mainly work with children with cerebral palsy, CP. The ultimate research question that I am trying to answer is how neural damage leads to impaired muscle function for these children. This could help the clinicians better understand how the disease progresses, and this might improve their decision-making during the rehabilitation procedure.

Could you tell us a bit about you backgrund?

I did both my bachelor's degree and my master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which is one of six strategic partner universities to KTH in the world . I started working with medical imaging and human movement science from my master's thesis project, a study evaluating the impact of marathon running on knee joint cartilage.

When do you plan to defend your PhD thesis and the next step after that?

I plan to defend my PhD thesis in March/April 2025. After that, I intend to stay in the research community and wish to join a group on advanced imaging techniques. So that I can reveal information beyond the scope of what I am currently working with.

Visit Zhongzheng Wang’s profile page

Belongs to: MoveAbility Lab
Last changed: May 27, 2024