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Open position: Postdoc in Human Movement Biomechanics

Picture of movement measuring in the lab
Published May 14, 2024

The postdoc researcher will join the biomechanics research group at KTH MoveAbility. The growing group is multicultural and multidisciplinary.

Our research focuses on technology to decode, measure and enhance human movements, particularly in people with motor disabilities.

The post doc position is financed by the Promobilia Foundation. The topic must fit into the group’s overall goals to quantify motor and sensory factors that contribute to movement deviations, to measure, model, and simulate the musculoskeletal system, and to develop active movement assistive devices. Duties may include, in addition to research and scientific publication, experiments on human subjects, innovation, and teaching and co-supervising students.

The KTH MoveAbility research group is led by Professor Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik.  

Read more and apply here

Belongs to: MoveAbility Lab
Last changed: May 14, 2024