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MMK news

  • Autonomous vehicles en route to the city

    Aqua blue minivan with 5G Ride printed across side door panels
    Future 5G Ride is a development of the 5G Ride project. Since 2020, researchers have been working with 5G and remote monitoring of vehicles via a traffic tower, something that will contribute to a smooth introduction of self-driving buses in an urban environment. Photo: 5G Ride
    Published Mar 14, 2022

    The automobile with a mind of its own is a recurring fantasy in TV and film dating back to the 1960s. But it’s nearly time for KITT, Christine and Herbie the Love Bug to pull over and let some real-li...

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  • Watch: How can “yellow vests” be avoided?

    Published Mar 11, 2022

    Factors affecting citizens’ acceptance of climate policy

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  • Jonas Mårtensson appointed new director of ITRL

    Published Feb 07, 2022

    Jonas Mårtensson is the new director of ITRL, officially starting from November 2021. Jonas is professor at the division of decision and control systems, and he has been engaged in ITRL since the star...

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  • A speedy dream for transportation

    Hyperloop station concept
    Photo: Zeleros
    Published Jan 19, 2022

    How about 25 minutes to get from Stockholm to Gothenburg? In a basement at KTH, the technology for Hyperloop is taking shape. Fasten your seat belts; here we are talking about the transports of the fu...

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  • The unit for combustion engines closes down

    Published Dec 01, 2021

    The Department of Machin Design (MMK) is closing down the Internal Combustion Engine unit. The underlying reason is that fossil-fueled vehicles are on their way out of society.

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  • SVT visits CoKitchen at KTH Live-In Lab

    Skärmdump från SVT:s inslag om CoKitchen.
    Published Nov 16, 2021

    SVT recently visited the CoKitchen apartment at KTH's campus. One of the participating students in the CoKitchen project gave SVT a tour of the apartment, where a total of four students will be living...

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  • Novel Mechatronics-Twin Framework based on Stewart Platform

    Published Nov 01, 2021

    Within the EU H2020 project SocketSense, a novel mechatronics-twin framework has been developed to integrate advanced biomechanical modeling and simulation capabilities with the support for physical t...

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  • Pain reducing tech suit on export

    The garment as a prototype next to a picture of a girl playing basket ball in the suit.
    In 2009, the Exopulse suit was just a prototype. Today, the garment improves motion range and reduces pain for hundreds of people with brain disorders as MS or dysfunctions from stroke.
    Published Oct 26, 2021

    Garments designed to reduce pain and spasms for patients with brain damage – yes, this is done at KTH. More than ten years ago, researchers Johan Gawell and Jonas Wistrand at the Department of Machine...

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  • Agreeing on how to collide

    Photo from inside a car, inside a tunnel. Dramatic.
    Do we and the self-driving cars understand each other? Photo: Samuele Errico Piccarini, Unsplash
    Published Sep 14, 2021

    Autonomous vehicles (AV) are expected to improve road safety and avoid serious accidents significantly. But do the autonomous systems and humans understand each others reactions in a tense traffic sit...

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  • From gardener at KTH to workshop manager

    Published May 26, 2021

    Hi, Tomas Östberg, technician and responsible for the workshop at MMK, retiring after 48 years at KTH. What have you done all this time at KTH?

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  • PECA starts educating Swedish industry

    Woman sits in chair with phone
    Study when, and how, it suits you - that's crucial in modern pedagogy for complementary education. Photo:, Unsplash
    Published Apr 21, 2021

    Swedish industry lack updated knowledge in many technologies. Now, KTH's industrial network ICES is about to change that when launching its pilot project, PECA. Here, professional educators are able t...

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  • Highest citation and best paper for unusual trio

    Published Mar 10, 2021

    Three ITM Professors from two different departments form the team behind JMS Best Paper Award for 2020 – celebrating the highest citations during five years. The cooperation is a little unusual, but i...

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  • Merging art with cutting edge technology

    A woman interacting with the robot sculpture.
    Published Feb 17, 2021

    What do you get if you combine art and advanced technology? Well, for example, the artwork Being Unthinkable - a robot sculpture that is floating four meters above the ground at IBM's headquarters in ...

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  • Challenges when cyber systems meet humans

    Selfdriving minibus in city
    The self-driving car is just one example where cyber systems interact with physical systems and people. Photo: G.M. Cruise
    Published Feb 03, 2021

    In our homes and surroundings, computer systems are hiding that both measure and control things, often connected to the Internet. What happens when they fail? Do we still have electricity, water, food...

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  • Design students create services for online learning

    4 video images.
    The project results are presented in eight films. There are suggestions for platforms for finding study buddies or have a coffee with new people and lecture studios for teachers, to mention a couple.
    Published Jan 26, 2021

    This year the master students in the Advanced Service Design got a special assignment from their teachers. The result: eight suggestions that really would improve online learning.

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  • Wave energy benefits from the mistakes of wind power

    Bouy at sea.
    Next in line to do the same journey as wind and solar power might be ocean wave energy. Photo: Cor-Power
    Published Jan 20, 2021

    Is wave energy the new star of renewables? The potential is great and a research team at KTH works towards a faster development for harvesting the powers of the seas.

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  • Impressive projects in mechatronic’s “Grand Finale”

    Image collage of student projects
    Published Dec 14, 2020

    As most events these days, the “The Grand Finale”, the demo session of the Mechatronic Capstone Course was given digitally. Despite that, spirit was up when efforts and hard work from almost a year we...

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  • The autonomous forest machines are here

    Forest machine in action.
    Self driving forest machines are both more efficient than classic machines, and reduce the amount of ground damage. Photo: eXtractor.
    Published Dec 11, 2020

    Researchers and students from KTH have been involved in the development of a new autonomous forest machine that picks up timber. They have both developed the software in the prototype called XT28 that...

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  • Re-thinking of parking areas can transform cities

    Parkeringsrutor och två bilar samt texten mobility hub över tre av rutorna.
    Published Nov 10, 2020

    What will happen with the existing parking areas in a future urban environment with less cars and shared transportation? On that note, researchers at the Department of Machine Design want to map the t...

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  • He helps companies support companies during the crisis

    Porträtt Emil Berlin
    Emil Berlin, an alumnus from MMK, has taken the initiative to "Håll Sverige igång" where companies help companies during the corona crisis.
    Published Nov 06, 2020

    This spring, Emil Berlin, an alumnus from the programme Design and Product Development (MMK), and his colleagues launched the "Håll Sverige igång" initiative, in which companies helped other companies...

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