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Jasper van de Kreeke: Deformed mirror symmetry for punctured surfaces

Time: Wed 2023-03-22 13.15

Location: KTH, 3418

Participating: Jasper van de Kreeke, Amsterdam

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Mirror symmetry aims at equivalences of Fukaya categories (A-side) and categories of coherent sheaves (B-side). Deformed mirror symmetry aims at matching deformations of A-side and B-side. In this talk, I explain how to do it in case of mirror symmetry for punctured surfaces. We start by constructing gentle algebras and matrix factorizations, which serve as A-side and B-side. Then we deform gentle algebras and show how to transfer the deformation to the B-side. (PhD thesis, supervised by Raf Bocklandt)

Belongs to: Stockholm Mathematics Centre
Last changed: Mar 20, 2023