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On this page, the course coordinator or examiner will publish course analyses with course data for a course offering. When the course analysis has been published, the course data, the course memo, and the course syllabus are displayed. All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.

The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, etc. can use the page as support in course development.


VT 2024-60921 ( Startdatum 2024-01-16, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1120 ( Spring 2024 - )Course memo SK1120 VT 2024-60921Course analysis: 2 Jul 2024
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Anna Burvall

Anna Burvall


INL1 (1,0) P, F

LAB1 (2,0) P, F

TEN1 (3,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

59.3 %

Kursen gick för första gånen uppdelad över två perioder. Tentan delades upp i två delar. En dedikerad labbperiod med enbart laborationer infördes. Ny föreläsare på delar av kursen.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

2 Jul 2024

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


VT 2023-60546 ( Startdatum 2023-01-17, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1120 ( Autumn 2008 - Autumn 2023 )Course memo SK1120 VT 2023-60546Course analysis: 1 Aug 2023
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Anna Burvall, Linda Lundström

Anna Burvall


INL1 (1,0) P, F

LAB1 (2,0) P, F

TEN1 (3,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

51.2 %

- Förbättrad labutrustning och labinstruktioner (projektorlab) - Förbättrade anteckningar fotometri, akustik, vågoptik

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

1 Aug 2023

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


VT 2022-1 ( Startdatum 2022-01-18, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1120 ( Autumn 2008 - Autumn 2023 )Course memo SK1120 VT 2022-60510Course analysis: 9 Aug 2022
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Linda Lundström, Anna Burvall

Anna Burvall


INL1 (1,0) P, F

LAB1 (2,0) P, F

TEN1 (3,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

53.8 %

Vi trodde kursen skuille gå på campus, men hamnade sedan plötsligt på distans igen pga en ny covid-topp.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

9 Aug 2022

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


VT 2021-1 ( Startdatum 2021-01-18, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1120 ( Autumn 2008 - Autumn 2023 )Course memo SK1120 Spring 2021-60158Course analysis: 19 Apr 2021
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Linda Lundström, Anna Burvall

Anna Burvall


INL1 (1,0) P, F

LAB1 (2,0) P, F

TEN1 (3,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

84.5 %

Det mesta, utom kursinnehållet, ändrades pga corona-restiktioner.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

19 Apr 2021

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.