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On this page, the course coordinator or examiner will publish course analyses with course data for a course offering. When the course analysis has been published, the course data, the course memo, and the course syllabus are displayed. All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.

The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, etc. can use the page as support in course development.


PGM24 ( Start date 16 Jan 2024, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2021 - Spring 2024 )Course memo DD2420 Spring 2024-60340Course analysis: 5 Apr 2024
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


OVN1 (2.5) P, F

OVN2 (2.5) P, F

TENT (2.5) P, F

77.3 % *

Changes from 2023: • Merged partial exams C and D into exam C • Small adjustments to the tutorials • Careful review of lectures with many adjustments. • Added prep for some of the partial Exams to some of the seminars • Made sure that the tutorials would not have practical issues (for example made docker files...)

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

5 Apr 2024

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


PGM23 ( Start date 17 Jan 2023, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2021 - Spring 2024 )Course memo DD2420 Spring 2023-60023Course analysis: 22 Sept 2023
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


OVN1 (2.5) P, F

OVN2 (2.5) P, F

TENT (2.5) P, F

52 %

Began using Partial (contnous) Examinations.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

22 Sept 2023

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


PGM22 ( Start date 18/01/2022, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2021 - Spring 2024 )Course memo DD2420 Spring 2022-60143Course analysis: 18 May 2022
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


OVN1 (2.5) P, F

OVN2 (2.5) P, F

TENT (2.5) P, F

76 %

The course went very smoothly this year. We introduced two part tutorials for some of the harder ones which added a part I on the theory which thy worked through some written answers then came to a seminar for a discussion. Then the second part was on the practical and examination was individual written and oral by the TAs. We also introduced continuous examination with separate moments examined during the course and a re-exam at the end. rather than one big exam t the end as in the past. The course survey did not get enough responses to publish. But we talked to the two students in the course board meeting plus one other over email to get mostly constructive and positive feedback. Registration was low because the schema conflicted badly with the ANN course, which is apparently and excellent course. Will try to avoid that happening again.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

18 May 2022

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


PGM21 ( Start date 18/01/2021, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2021 - Spring 2024 )No course memo addedCourse analysis: 20 Jun 2021
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


OVN1 (2.5) P, F

OVN2 (2.5) P, F

TENT (2.5) P, F

29.4 %

All moments were done via Zoom. Lectures were also recorded. Tutorials were improved. Regular weekly help sessions.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

20 Jun 2021

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


Doktorand ( Start date 15/01/2020, English ) , PGM20 ( Start date 15/01/2020, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2019 - Spring 2020 )No course memo addedNo course memo addedCourse analysis: 20 Jun 2021
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


PRO1 (2.5) P, F

PRO2 (2.5) P, F

TEN1 (2.5) P, F

50.6 %

Improvements to tutorials and the lectures.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

20 Jun 2021

Last time changed

20 Jun 2021

Comments to changes in course data or course analysis after publishing

Found the right tools to properly format these.


PGM19 ( Start date 15/01/2019, English )

Course syllabus DD2420 ( Spring 2019 - Spring 2020 )No course memo addedCourse analysis: 20 Apr 2019
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

John Folkesson

John Folkesson


PRO1 (2.5) P, F

PRO2 (2.5) P, F

TEN1 (2.5) P, F

56 % *

All New

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

5 Mar 2020

Last time changed

24 Apr 2020

Comments to changes in course data or course analysis after publishing

This is a new 'tool' for uploading what existed in the past