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MH2300 Functional Materials 6.0 credits

Course memo Spring 2022-61530

Version 1 – 01/13/2022, 11:11:24 AM

Course offering

Spring 2022-1 (Start date 21/03/2022, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Materials Science and Engineering

Course memo Spring 2022

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Spring 2020

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

Functional materials  refer to materials that primarily are not used for their mechanical properties, but for other properties such as physical, chemical etc. The Course deals with:

·        Intermetallic materials, including

o superalloys

o memory metals/alloys

o surface coating materials

·         Biomaterials

·         Advanced ceramic materials, including

o ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials

o electric insulators

o thermal barrier coatings

·         Magnetic materials

·         Electronic materials, including

o elementary and composite semiconductors

o conductive polymers

o ionic conductor

·         Catalytic materials

The course also includes knowledge of which "functions" that can be built in to a material and how one can maximise the performance of the material. Furthermore, information retrieval to find the relevant literature data about functional materials is brought up.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student should be able to:

  •  Describe the properties of different functional materials and formulate models of the underlying physical and chemical phenomena.
  • State and compare the most important properties of functional materials including accessibility, price, manufacturability, sustainability, recyclability and environmental impact.
  • Search and critically analyse literature data on properties of functional materials.
  • Argue for the choice of functional materials for existing and new applications.

Detailed plan

Learning activities Content Preparations
Selection of topics for the literature study Topics are pre-selected from recent review papers List of topics (updated every year)
Lecture 1 Intermetallics I Compendium Chapter 1
Lecture 2 Intermetallics II Compendium Chapter 2
Lecture 3  Advanced ceramics: Ferroelectrics I Compendium Chapter 9
Lecture 4 Advanced ceramics: Ferroelectrics II Compendium Chapter 9
Test 1 Written test on the material of lectures 1-4 Lecture slides, Compendium Chapters 1, 2, and 9
Lecture 5 Magnetic materials Compendium Chapters 7 and 8
Lecture 6 Shape memory alloys, biomaterials Compedium Chapter 3
Lecture 7 Catalytic materials  
Lecture 8 Semiconductors I (materials) Compendium Chapter 11
Lecture 9 Semiconductors II  (devices) Compendium Chapter 11
Test 2 Written test on the material of lectures 5-9 Lecture slides, Compendium Chapters 3, 7-9, and 11
Seminar 1 Partial reporting of Projects Results of literature study on the selected topic
Seminar 2 Reporting of Projects Results of literature study on the selected topic
Peer-reviewing of reports Written reports are distributed randomly to each student (group); received feedback is communicated to the authors Submitted written reports 

Schema VT-2022-587

Organization of the course

The course consists of a theoretical part (9 lectures) and a literature study where the student groups of 1-3 members study a topic (selected from a list of recent review articles) to prepare a written report and a presentation at a Workshop on Functional Materials that concludes the course.

Short layout of the reports to be written

  • Register for a report topic as soon as possible
  • Use the listed literature review as a starting point. Use Elsevier’s Science Direct to search for more literature.
  • Summarise the scientific knowledge about the chosen topic. Always use your own words, do never copy text.
  • Summarise the potential industrial applications for materials or techniques. Describe how knowledge could be commercialised.
  • When you use a specific source you should always give a reference at that point.
  • The report should be written as educational material at your own level. Thus the material should be suitable for a forthcoming course. Figures should be placed in the text, each with a caption below it. Each table, also in the text should have a heading above it.
  • The expected size of each report is 10 A4 pages per student with 1.5 p line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 p (~10 A4 pages per student)

Follow the guidelines[1] for how to write scientific reports.


[1] Writing scientific reports, R. Sandström, D. Andersson (MS&E, KTH, 2008).

Preparations before course start


Compendium on Functional materials (excl. chapters 4 to 6 on biomaterials)

Distributed articles

Results of a literature search should be used for the preparation of the report.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • TEN1 - Written examination, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • ÖVN1 - Exercise, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Written examination ( TEN1 )

The exam consists of two control scripts (KS1 and KS2) which are intended to test LO1, and LO2:

  • KS1: on course material on intermetallics, advanced ceramics and biomaterials;
  • KS2: on course material on magnetic, electronic and catalytic materials.

Exercise ( ÖVN1 )

The goal of ÖVN1 is to fully achieve LO3 and LO4. It consists of a home assignment (literature review, written report) and an oral presentation at a workshop (SEM1 and SEM2) to other course participants (including the teachers).

Grading criteria/assessment criteria

Learning objectives





LO1: Describe properties and formulate models


Formulates the basic equations and models to describe functional properties. Explains the meaning of main variables and constants in phenomenological equations.

Formulates the basic equations and models to describe functional properties. Explains the meaning of all variables and constants in phenomenological equations.

Formulates the basic equations and models to describe functional properties. Explains the meaning of all variables and constants in phenomenological equations and relates them to microscopic models.

LO2: Indicate the most important characteristics


Indicates the most important properties and production methods for different functional materials. Make material choices for specific applications with simple criteria.

Gives an extended list of desired properties and production / recycling methods of various functional materials. Makes material choices for specific applications with simple and complex criteria.

Gives an extended list of desired properties and production / recycling methods of various functional materials. Demonstrates the ability to formulate technical requirements for materials for new applications. Makes material choices for specific applications with simple and complex criteria. Demonstrates the ability to formulate criteria for the design of new materials.

LO3: search and critically analyze litierature data


Writes 10 pages in a report on a topic previously chosen by the student from a list. The report follows good practices for writing scientific reports. The report is based on a review and also contains an overview of current literature on the subject.

Writes between 11 and 12 pages in a report on a topic previously chosen by the student from a list. The report follows good practices for writing scientific reports. The report is based on a review and also contains a good coverage of current literature on the subject with some relevant references. The reported text contains a discussion of the weaknesses and strengths of the methods associated with the chosen topic.

Writes over 12 pages in a report on a topic previously chosen by the student from a list. The report follows good practices for writing scientific reports. The report is based on a review and also contains an extensive coverage of current literature on the subject, which contains most of the relevant references. The reported text contains an in-depth discussion of the weaknesses and strengths of the methods associated with the chosen topic.

LO4: argue material choice for existing and new applications


The report is presented in a workshop where the presentation summarizes the written text (about new materials and/or new applications) in a clear and concise way. Answers the questions from the audience during the presentation. Asks questions to other presenters in the workshop.

The report is presented in a workshop where the presentation summarizes the written text (about new materials and/or new applications) in a clear, concise and pedagogical way and contains some criticism of current literature. Answers the questions from the audience and gives detailed answers. Asks questions that show knowledge of the field to other presenters in the workshop.

The report is presented in a workshop where the presentation covers the written text (about new materials and/or new applications) in a clear, concise, pedagogical and well-communicated way and contains an extensive discussion of current literature. Answers the questions from the audience and gives detailed answers that show deep knowledge. Asks advanced questions that show deep knowledge of the field to other presenters in the workshop.

Alternatives to missed activities or tasks

Those who could not attend or pass tests I or II, may (re)write tests on the exam week, at the voluntarily examination.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

Changes of the course before this course offering

Topics for Reports and Seminars (15 mins presentations by the students)




Layered materials for supercapacitors and batteries: Applications and challenges, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 118 (2021) Article 100763, C. Wang, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Zhao, D. Zhao, R. Ma, L. Yin


Multifunctional magneto-polymer matrix composites for electromagnetic interference suppression, sensors and actuators, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 115 (2021) Article 100705, A.D.M. Charles, A.N. Rider, S.A. Brown, C.H. Wang


Flexible stimuli-responsive materials for smart personal protective equipment, Materials Science and Engineering R, Volume 146 (2021) Article 100629, L.-s. Zhang, J. Li, F. Wang, J.-d. Shi, W. Chen, X.-m. Tao


Nucleation and growth in solution synthesis of nanostructures – From fundamentals to advanced applications, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 123 (2022) Article 100821, K.-J. Wu, E.C.M. Tse, C.x. Shang, Z.x. Guo


Additive manufacturing of magnetic materials, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 114 (2020) Article 100688, V. Chaudhary, S.A. Mantri, R.V. Ramanujan, R. Banerjee


High-entropy ceramics: Review of principles, production and applications, Materials Science and Engineering R, Volume 146 (2021) Article 100644, S. Akrami, P. Edalati, M. Fuji, K. Edalati


Metal oxides based electrochemical pH sensors: Current progress and future perspectives, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 109 (2020) Article 100635, L. Manjakkal, D. Szwagierczak, R. Dahiya


Manganese-based permanent magnet materials, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 124 (2022) Article 100872, T. Keller, I. Baker


Alloys for application at ultra-high temperatures: Nb-silicide in situ composites Challenges, breakthroughs and opportunities, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 123 (2022) Article 100714, P. Tsakiropoulos


Multifunctional antimicrobial materials: From rational design to biomedical applications, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 125 (2022) Article 100887, S. Duan, R. Wu, Y.-H. Xiong, H.-M. Ren, C. Lei, Y.-Q. Zhao, X.-Y. Zhang, F.-J. Xu


Butterfly inspired functional materials, Materials Science and Engineering R, Volume 144 (2021) Article 100605, Z. Chen, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Xu, Y. Zhao


Direct observation of electric and magnetic fields of functional materials, Materials Science & Engineering R, Volume 142 (2020) Article 100564, D. Shindo, Z. Akase


Additive manufacturing of advanced ceramic materials, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 116 (2021) Article 100736, Y. Lakhdar, C. Tuck, J. Binner, A. Terry, R. Goodridge


Design and engineering of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics: Nano to macro perspective, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 116 (2021) Article 100742, P.I.P. Soares, J. Romão, R. Matos, J.C. Silva, J.P. Borges


Ultra-thin ferroelectrics, Materials Science & Engineering R, Volume 145 (2021) Article 100622, H. Qiao, C. Wang, W.S. Choi, M.H. Park, Y. Kim


Recent progress on single atom/sub-nano electrocatalysts for energy applications, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 115 (2021) Article 100711, D.T. Tran, D.C. Nguyen, H.T. Le, T. Kshetri, V.H. Hoa, T.L.L. Doan, N.H. Kim, J.H. Lee


Printing of flexible light emitting devices: A review on different technologies and devices, printing technologies and state-of-the-art applications and future prospects, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 118 (2021) Article 100760, I. Verboven, W. Deferme


Perspective and Prospects for Rare Earth Permanent Magnets, Engineering, Volume 6 (2020) Pages 119-131, J.M.D. Coey


Approaches to deformable physical sensors: Electronic versus iontronic, Materials Science and Engineering R, Volume 146 (2021) Article 100640, T.Y. Kim, W. Suh, U. Jeong


Conducting polymer-based flexible thermoelectric materials and devices: From mechanisms to applications, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 121 (2021) Article 100840, S. Xu, X.-L. Shi, M. Dargusch, C. Di, J. Zou, Z.-G. Chen


Transparent tellurite glass-ceramics for photonics applications: A comprehensive review on crystalline phases and crystallization mechanisms, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 125 (2022) Article 100890, P. Patra, K. Annapurna


Negative thermal expansion in magnetic materials, Progress in Materials Science, Volume 121 (2021) Article 100835, Y. Song, N. Shi, S. Deng, X. Xing, J. Chen


Two or three students write a report on their topic (annotated, about 10 pages/student).

Round Facts

Start date

Missing mandatory information

Course offering

  • Spring 2022-61530

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Materials Science and Engineering
