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DM2601 Media Technology and Interaction Design 7.5 credits

Course memo Autumn 2022-50356

Version 1 – 08/22/2022, 10:31:47 AM

Course offering

Autumn 2022-1 (Start date 29/08/2022, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Human Centered Technology

Course memo Autumn 2022

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2021

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

A series of lectures and seminars that introduce different design methods combined with design exercises that give practical experience. All exercises are carried out within the scope of the project work that students carry out during the course. Methods that are covered include:

  • methods to explore a design space: studies of existing interaction modalities, exploration of technologies as design material, state of the art analyses, mood boards
  • methods to support design reviews: interaction criticism, parallel design, personas, structured brainstorming.
  • methods to develop design alternatives: scenarios, lo-fi prototypes, video prototypes, prototype construction with modern soft- and hardware tools.
  • methods for composition and presentation: fine tuning and testing of solutions, efficient user tests, presentation of completed solutions online through different media.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student should be able to

  • give an account of common process models in interaction design
  • give an account of design methods in the different phases of the design process
  • discuss how different methods can contribute to successful solutions based on research and experiences in the industry
  • analyse strengths, weaknesses and applicability of different methods
  • account for and utilise technological properties in different design materials to create successful solutions
  • apply methods for design of interactive media technologies in practice
  • use modern software and hardware tools for interaction design

in order to independently be able to run successful design processes.

Learning activities

Lectures are class meetings where a teacher (or an invited speaker) will convey information to the whole group of students, combining theoretical and applied aspects. In 2022, lectures will be online, allowing us to make a more effective use of the available technology and to take advantage of what a remote setting can offer to a large class size. Streaming links will be available on Canvas in advance, and slides will be available after the class (if posible, they will also be available beforehand). A priori, lectures will not be recorded so that students feel more participative --in the spirit of seminars--, but this can be arranged with the teacher on a case basis. Students are encouraged to take notes during lectures. Typically, preparation is not required.

Workshops involve a teacher proposing practical activities to the whole group of students. If slides are used, these will be available after the class and whenever possible, also beforehand. Workshops will consist of in-class exercises to be done individually or in groups during the class meeting. Some workshops (for example, reading seminars) will require preparation from students, with assignments to be handed in before the session. This information will be available from the beginning of the course. In 2022, some workshops will happen in person (with on-demand streaming if some group cannot attend) and some online.

Tutorials are sessions where groups of students will meet their group supervisor and get formative feedback and guidance towards the final project. Tutorials can be supervision slots or design critique slots. In supervision slots, each group will meet their supervisor for a certain time, and so some preparation is required, i.e. coming ready to discuss the group's progress. In design critique slots, all the groups that share a supervisor will meet and present their progress in front of the rest, in order to get more feedback; in this case, some preparation is required, and typically groups prepare some quick slides to show. In 2022, we will provide a combination of online and in-person sessions, depending on the general preference of the groups and their supervisor.

The presentation slot corresponds to the last class meeting, in which the whole group of students will present their final projects to the teachers and to the rest of the class, and will receive comments and questions. In 2022, we will try to run this session in person, but we may roll back to online if needed, which would result in a shorter session (two tracks would be run in parallel; sharing screen would be more efficient than switching physical computers and dealing with adaptors; breaks could be taken more flexibly; students who get anxious about presenting to a big crowd could benefit from a remote setting but still get experience in talking in public; etc.).

Preparations before course start


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The students should have access to a device from which they can attend Zoom meetings, type in written assignments, read articles, browse the Internet, and run interactive prototyping tools and video editing tools.


We strongly recommend the students to update Zoom to the latest version if their device allows for this.

Extra software will be recommended throughout the course based on students' needs (always listed on Canvas).


Students without Funka support who think they may be eligible are strongly encouraged to get in contact with Funka as soon as possible.

Students with Funka support who wish to give us additional detail about their needed arrangements are welcome to contact the course responsible as early as they can, so that we can try to work together to ensure smooth, comfortable participation.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

P, F


  • INL1 - Written assignment, self-reflection, 2.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • PRO1 - Interaction design project within mediatechnology, 5.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

Grading criteria/assessment criteria

Getting a pass in INL1 implies getting a pass, individually, in all the assignments related to this ILO.

Getting a pass in PRO1 implies getting a pass, as a group, in all the assignments related to this ILO.

During the course, teachers will provide formative feedback to students, in person and via Canvas, so that they can attain the ILOs and pass the course.

The final grade will be a pass if the student has obtained a pass in both INL1 and PRO1.

If by the moment the examiner is ready to report the passing grades, a student has not yet passed INL1 or PRO1, they will be informed that they have 6 weeks to compensate for this and be then re-examined. The specific compensation will be arranged with the examiner.

Reporting of exam results

After the deadline for the final project, the examiner will grade the students' work towards PRO1 (as well as any not-yet-passed assignment related to INL1) and will report the final passing grades up to 3 weeks later. If a student did not achieve a 'pass' by then, the examiner will communicate that they have 6 extra weeks to compensate and be then re-examined.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

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Round Facts

Start date

Missing mandatory information

Course offering

  • Autumn 2022-50356

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Human Centered Technology
