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MJ2462 Achieving Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings 6.0 credits

Course memo Autumn 2020-50558

Version 2 – 06/26/2020, 10:20:59 PM

Course offering

Autumn 2020-1 (Start date 24/08/2020, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Energy Technology

Course memo Autumn 2020

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2019

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

The course will give a fundamental understanding on how energy technology can be applied to reduce energy demand of buildings. Thermodynamics, heat transfer, thermal indoor climate, measurement technology, building simulation software and problem solving will be applied in surveys to find the possibilities to increase the energy performance of buildings.

The course is divided in two parts; one theoretical part that consist of a series of lectures and one practical part where the student will work with surveys of real energy systems in buildings. The course focuses on typical buildings in the Swedish building stock, but the knowledge attained in this course can be adapted to any building and energy system in the world.  

Intended learning outcomes

Upon successfully completing the course, the student should be able to:

  1. Make a plan and perform an energy audit in buildings according to the degree of detail needed
  2. Understand how to evaluate energy using systems in buildings in terms of energy efficiency
  3. Be able to analyze and process historical energy data for buildings
  4. Disaggregate and assign energy use between the different sub systems
  5. Identify possibilities and tailor energy saving measures that will results in a reduced energy demand

Learning activities

This course will discuss how energy is used in buildings today and how energy technology can be used to increase energy performance of existing buildings. The course will focus on how the energy use may be reduced, keeping the same or improving indoor climate, by collecting and interpret information of the energy systems in buildings.  

In the course the students will address and consider the following aspects:

  • Make a plan to audit  energy systems in buildings according to the degree of detail needed
  • Perform the planned energy audit
  • Understand how to evaluate heat demand of building heating systems
  • Understand how to evaluate electric power of pumps, fans and other typical equipment
  • Estimate the UA-Value of typical building elements
  • Account for reference values of energy performance in different building types
  • Estimate the energy use of typical air conditioning applications
  • Calculate a buildings energy signature and normalize energy use
  • Interpret measurements on heating systems and identify defects 
  • Interpret measurements on electric systems and identify defects 
  • Distribute the measured energy use between the different sub systems
  • Understand how the different energy systems in a building interacts
  • Understand how the control systems interact with the energy systems in buildings
  • Identify typical errors in complex energy systems
  • Identify measures that results in a reduced energy demand
  • Evaluate measures and combination of measures from an technical perspective
  • Evaluate measures and combination of measures from an economical perspective
  • Evaluate measures and combination of measures from an social perspective

Detailed plan

Learning activities Content Preparations

FRL 1 – Energy use in Buildings

Lecturer: Jörgen Wallin

Buildings use energy, but what is the purpose of the energy systems in our buildings. In the first lecture we will look at energy use of building from a top down perspective. We start with the demand of the whole building, and work our way down to the different technical sub systems. Think about what the purpose of a building and it's technical systems are.

FRL 2 – Technical building systems

Lecturer: Jörgen Wallin

The energy demand can be divided between the different technical systems within the building. In the second lecture we will focus on the technical systems in the building and how the operation will influence the energy performance of a building. Make sure you understand the content of lecture 1.

FRL 3 – Energy audits

Lecturer: Jörgen Wallin

Energy audits can be performed in different levels of ambition. In the third lecture we will look into how energy audits can be undertaken to maximize the energy performance of a building.  Make sure you understand the content of lecture 2.

FRL 4 – Introduction to measurement equipment and measurements

Lecturer: Jörgen Wallin


When performing energy audits on a building a lot of information is often gathered. In order to make analysis of different technical systems measurement are often needed. In the fourth lecture we will go through the different measurement equipment that might be used in the project assignments.
Think of what could be interesting to measure in a building to be able to understand the energy flows.

PRO1 - Project assignment 1

Walk through energy audit of Building M37. Make a plan for the audit according to relevant standard. Decide what measurement equipment you will use. 

SEM1 - PRO1 Presentation

Presentation of walk through energy audit. Prepare for presentation and plan to get ideas from other presentations.

PRO1 - Project assignment 2

Detailed energy audit of Building M37. Prepare by making a plan for the audit. Including measurement och energy audit plan according to the standard. 

SEM2 - PRO2 Presentation

Presentation of detailed energy audit. Prepare for presentation.
TEN1 - Exam Course exam Make sure you have understood everything the group did in PRO1 and PRO2. Study the material discussed during the course.

Schema HT-2020-595

Preparations before course start


The course use Energy-Efficient Building Systems: Green Strategies for Operation and Maintenance by Lal Jayamaha as primary course literature.

Apart from the book, additional course material will be available as PDFs in CANVAS. Students can also find interesting information in Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings by Faber Kell´s.

Support for students with disabilities

Students at KTH with a permanent disability can get support during studies from Funka:

Please inform the course coordinator if you need compensatory support during the course. Present a certificate from Funka.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Project, 1.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • PRO2 - Project, 2.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • TEN1 - Written exam, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

In the exam, student can bring books that does not contain handwritten notes and other material approved by the course responcible.

Other requirements for final grade

To receive a final grade in the course the student shall complete and pass the two project assignments PRO1, PRO2 and receive a passing grade in the written exam. The final grade will be a combination of the grade in the written exam and the quality of the project assignments.

Grading criteria/assessment criteria

Grading Criteria

The different ILOs will be evaluated in the projects and the exam according with Table 1.

Table 1 ILOs and assessments

 Intended learning outcomes

Project (PRO1)

Project (PRO2)

Exam (TEN1)

ILO 1 - Make a plan and perform an energy audit in buildings according to the degree of detail needed




ILO 2 - Understand how to evaluate energy using systems in buildings in terms of energy efficiency




ILO 3 - Be able to analyze and process historical energy data for buildings




ILO 4 - Disaggregate and assign energy use between the different sub systems




ILO 5 - Identify possibilities and tailor energy saving measures that will results in a reduced energy demand




Project assignments PRO1 and PRO2 (3 credits)

The grading scale of the project is P, F. More than 12 points are required to pass the PRO1 and more than 12 points are required to pass PRO2.

The final points of the projects depends on the evaluation of all ILOs according with the Evaluation Matrix presented in Figure 1. 

The following Scale is used to grade the ILOs in the matrix:

Excellent (4 points): The students have proposed solutions and presented results, which are clearly motivated, evaluated and discussed thoroughly and quantitatively.

Good (3 points): The students have proposed solutions and presented results which are motivated, evaluated and discussed

Sufficient (1 point): The students have proposed solutions and presented results which are motivated and evaluated but not discussed

Fail (0 point): The students have proposed solutions, which are not motivated, evaluated or discussed.


1. PRO 1 Report




Plan and perform walk through audit




Analyze and present historical data




Identify and present energy saving measures




Sum PRO 1

Pass = Min 12/ Max 24




2. PRO 2 Report




Plan and perform walk through audit




Evaluation of energy systems




Analyze and present historical data




Disaggregation of energy use




Identify and present energy saving measures




Sum PRO 2

Pass = Min 12/ Max 24

Exam TEN1 (3 credits)

The grading scale of the exam is A, B, C, D, E, F. The grading criteria for the examination (TEN1) are presented in Table 4

Table 4: Grading criteria for the examination


Grading criteria for Grade E

Grading criteria for Grade C

Grading criteria for Grade A


Basic concepts according to relevant standards are adopted in report

Main concepts according to relevant standards are adopted in report

All concepts according to relevant standards are adopted in the report


Energy using systems are analyzed using basic principles

Energy using systems are analyzed using basic principles and relevant calculations

Energy using systems are analyzed using advanced principles and relevant calculations


Historical data presented

Historical data presented and analyzed using one method

Historical data presented and analyzed using two or more methods


Disaggregation between heating, cooling and electricity performed

Heating, cooling and electricity disaggregated

Heating, cooling and electricity disaggregated and analyzed


Basic evaluation of energy saving measures

Evaluation of energy saving measures including discussion of results

Evaluation of energy saving measures including discussion of results and economical calculations


A maximum of 24 points can be awarded in the exam.

Final grade (6 credits)

The course gives 6 credits from three different course activities. The final grade of the course is a combination of the points for the projects (PRO1 and PRO2) and exam (TEN1). A maximum of 24 points can be achieved in the course. The grade E is given if the exam have at least a grade E and the projects are awarded a Pass grade.

Calculation of the course final score is performed using the following formula:


The final grade is awarded according to:

A = 24,0-21,4 p, B = 21,3-19,0 p, C = 18,9-16,3 p, D = 16,2-13,9 p, E = 13,8-12,0 p, F = 11,9-0,0 p

Other requirements for final grade

Inkluderas för vissa kurserHämtats från kursplan

To receive a final grade in the course the student shall complete and pass the two project assignments PRO1, PRO2 and receive a passing grade in the written exam. The final grade will be a combination of the grade in the written exam and the quality of the project assignments.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

24 Aug 2020

Course offering

  • Autumn 2020-50558

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Energy Technology


Course Coordinator

