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MF2076 Machine Design Advanced Course Part I 9.0 credits

Course memo Spring 2022-60609

Version 1 – 12/07/2021, 4:12:27 PM

Course offering

MKN HK part1 (Start date 18/01/2022, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Machine Design

Course memo Spring 2022

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Spring 2022

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

Machine design is a generic term for design of different types of products, everything from complex composite machines, e.g. cars to simple products, e.g. bicycle transmissions, that we come across in our daily life.
To design implies that we should create new solutions for the problems we are facing, in an engineering correct way, i.e. we should solve the right problems, preferably as simply as possible, which also have real, industrial relevance, considering aspects such as finance, energy and environment. As an aid in the design work, we utilise modern computer programs for geometry definition and analysis, but estimates are also important.

The course is a professional or vocational course for you as future design engineer or product designer. The course introduces a JML perspectives on product development in teams, with a distancing from all forms of discrimination.
The course gives knowledge and training in projecting, participating in and leading development work of modern integrated and/or modularised products. Furthermore, you are trained in using computer aided design, simulation and analysis and to communicate technical results orally and in written.

The course is project-based and focuses on the early phases of the product development process. It implies that you will work in a group and focus on a defined project, and plan for and also carry out concept generation and evaluation for the specific project task that your group has been assigned. The course is an applied course, which the implies that previously acquired knowledge from areas such as mechanics, solid mechanics, electrical engineering, product development and design is applied in the work with the current project.

The course includes the early phases of the design process, which implies that the following activities are commonly occurring in the project work.

·       Project-based working methods, including project management and follow-up of project plans.

·       Development of specification, concept generation and evaluation of concepts. Furthermore, simple physical or digital prototypes should be created for selected product concepts.

·       Application of a systematic model-based development process at analysis, simulation and verification of product concepts during the concept phase

Application of principles of ecofriendly design and reflection over 

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the students should be able to:

1. Plan and participate at development of both integrated and modularised mechanical products

2) Carry out the early phases of the product development process from specification and concept generation to prototyping based on a systematic approach. Design and detail both components and subsystems of mechanical products from concepts to manufacturing documentation and prototypes with a focus on:

·       Retrieving a specification.

·       Applying methods for concept generation and evaluation of concepts utilising matrix based methods.

·       Analyse and verify product concepts against the set requirements in the specification.

·       Create simple physical or digital models for evaluation of concept properties.

3. Apply principles of ecofriendly design and reflect on environmental consequences of for example choice of concept and design.

4. Include perspectives of gender equality, diversity and equal opportunities, JML, when developing mechanical products.

Learning activities

Home assignments

Home assignments are given as individual tasks to solve and to practice some basic engineering skills needed for a design engineer. In this course we have 3 home assignments, two graded and one not graded.



An important part of the course is the project development work carried out in groups of 4-5 students. The projects share a common purpose to design and develop a product concept at a high technical level in close collaboration with a company. In this course only the conceptual phase is covered, this means that the projects cover the tasks of project planning, requirements specification, concept generation, evaluation and selection of a concept solution. This concept solution will be the starting point in MF2077, Machine Design advanced course, part 2. In MF2077 the concept will be further developed and detailed, ending with manufacturing, assembly and testing of a prototype. The project work is carried out mainly outside of scheduled times, but with weekly scheduled meetings with supervisors. The assessment of the project work is made both on a group level where all members are equally responsible for the project result and on an individual level where a portfolio in combination with individual discussions is used for assessment.

Project meetings

All project groups will have scheduled weekly meetings with the supervisors. These meetings are compulsory to attend for all students. We also require that each meeting has an agenda with a prepared presentation and is documented in a meeting protocol. We require an attendance rate of at least 80-90% on these project meetings. The assessment of the project work is made both on a group level where all members are equally responsible for the project result and on an individual level where a portfolio in combination with individual discussions is used for assessment.


Compulsory activities

In addition to what is mentioned about the project meeting we also the following as compulsory activities to attend;

  • Guest lectures
  • Laborations
  • Part time presentation
  • Final presentation


Project management system

We will use the system “Teams” for project planning, management and file storage.  We will also use the Canvas system for distribution of course material during the course.



A portfolio is a document that all students should create and update. The document should be a live document showing the students contributions to the project and what the student has learnt.

This portfolio should also contain a reflection about the course activities and what you have learnt during the course. A template for the portfolio will be placed on Canvas.

Preparations before course start


1 ”Machine Elements in Mechanical Design” by Robert L. Mott

2 Hand-out material during the course.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • INL1 - Assignment, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • PROA - Project, 5.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • TENA - Digital Quiz, 1.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

Written assignments (individual) and project (group) are assessed and marked separately. The final grade is based on a weighted average of these examination parts.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Assignment ( INL1 )

Project ( PROA )

Digital Quiz ( TENA )

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

18 Jan 2022

Course offering

  • MKN HK part1 Spring 2022-60609

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Machine Design
