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IL2240 Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits 7.5 credits

Course memo Spring 2024-60258

Version 1 – 01/16/2024, 8:45:14 AM

Course offering

Spring 2024-60258 (Start date 16 Jan 2024, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Electrical Engineering

Course memo Spring 2024

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Spring 2023

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

This course introduces the most important semiconductor components that are used in the modern electronics. We focus on the MOS-transistor, pn and schottkydiodes and different types of memory cells. Furthermore, solar cells, photodiodes and light-emitting diodes are included. In the course, power consumption and gate delay in CMOS-based circuits are discussed. An overview is given of the development of so-called technology nodes for advanced CMOS according to Moore's law. You should be familiar with the process flow that is used to produce modern microelectronics. Strong emphasis is placed on sustainability aspects such as energy consumption and finite resources.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student shall be able to

  • describe the electronic band structure for insulators, semiconductors and metals qualitatively
  • use the concepts electron- and hole-concentration, bandgap and mobility for calculations of current-voltage relations in semiconductor components
  • analyse and calculate the internal electrostatics (charges, electric field and potential) in semiconductor components based on pn and MOS-structures
  • describe the function and the application areas for the pn-diode, the MOS-transistor and common types of memory cells and some kind of semiconductor sensor
  • describe the basic properties for CMOS-inverters and how these are used to implement integrated circuits.
  • give an account of the most important sustainability aspects in production of modern microelectronics.

Learning activities

To achieve the course goals it is necessary to actively study during all weeks of the course. It is assumed that the students have followed the reading instructions before each lecture, since the lectures contains sections that require active participation from the students.

Note that the weekly student recitations which also require preparation ahead of each class!

The course gives 7.5 credits (HEC) (200 hours of which 46 hours are in class).

Course overview

  • 12 scheduled lectures (recommend attendance)
  • 6 student recitations (mandatory attendance)
  • 1 laboratory session with 2 seminars (mandatory attendance)


There are reading instructions at the end of this course-PM. During the lectures there will be sections that require active participation by the students, so called concept questions or other types of peer group discussions.

Student recitations

The material for each student recitation is posted in Canvas. Each week six (6) new problems are assigned.

Before each student recitation the students should try their best to solve all problems.

The student should also prepare to present the solution on the board (or scanned notes in Zoom) for the class.

The level of difficulty of the problems on the student recitation corresponds to the written exam.

In detail, a student recitation is organized as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the student recitation each student will sign-up (online in Canvas or Google Docs) to indicate which of the six problems he/she is prepared to present to the class
  2. One student is randomly picked to present a solution
  3. After the solution has been presented there is a discussion, in which all students are expected to participate. Students are expected to give feedback on the presented solution and possibly provide alternative solutions
  4. When the discussion is finished a new student presents a solution to the next problem
  5. When all problems have been presented and discussed the student recitation ends

The requirement for an acceptable presentation is that it should be clear to the teacher and the class that the student has made an honest attempt to solve the problem, but not necessarily getting the correct answer.

It is of course allowed (and encouraged) that students collaborate in order to prepare for the student recitations.


Laboratory work, seminars and report



Electrum building, KISTA CAMPUS, elevator C, level 3.


Lab groups (four students) for signup will be scheduled by in Canvas.

Overview of tasks for completed lab course:

See also Lab Module in Canvas

  • Before the lab, a dedicated lab seminar will introduce extraction procedure and report writing.
  • During two hours measurement data is collected under the guidance of a lab assistant.
  • After the lab, each student submits an individual lab report that presents the measurements, the extraction procedure and the results. The report should be submitted under the ASSIGNMENTS menu in Canvas. Submission deadline found in the schedule at the end of this course-PM.
  • Feedback seminar and peer review: Reports for peer review will be assigned through Canvas. About half a page constructive feedback for each report must be posted in Canvas before the feedback seminar. At the feedback seminar each student will give (to their peers) and receive (from their peers) feedback on their reports.
  • After the seminar students can improve their reports and the final report should be submitted before the second deadline stated in the schedule at the end of this course-PM.



Detailed plan

 see schedule for now

Preparations before course start


No information inserted


There are recorded Videos from previous course rounds in 2021 and 2022. It is highly recommended to browse them ahead of lectures.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • LABA - Laboration, 1.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • SEMA - Seminar, 1.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • TENA - Written exam, 4.5 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

Grading criteria/assessment criteria



Intended learning outcome

Having passed the course, the student shall be able to

1 Bandstructure

describe the electronic band structure for insulators, semiconductors and metals qualitatively


2  Concentrations

use the concepts electron- and hole-concentration, bandgap and mobility for calculations of current-voltage relations in semiconductor components

3 Electrostatics

analyse and calculate the internal electrostatics (charges, electric field and potential) in semiconductor components based on pn- and MOS-structures


4 Operation principles

describe the function and the application areas for the pn-diode, the MOS-transistor and common types of memory cells and some kind of semiconductor sensor

5 Circuits

describe the basic properties for CMOS-inverters and how these are used to implement integrated circuits

6 Sustainability

give an account of the most important sustainability aspects in production of modern



The intended learning outcomes are examined according to this matrix

Nummer & beskrivning

TENA (summative)

LABA (summative  & formative)

SEMA (formative)


1 Bandstructure





2 Concentrations





3 Electrostatics





4 Operation principles





5 Circuits





6 Sustainability




In class



Weighting of grades


If the student has achieved more than grade E on any part of the examination the grade will be calculated as an average. This average will be based on the subset of tasks, where the complete range E-A applies. Tasks that are only graded pass (E) are not considered in the average.


E-nivåkriterier (pass criteria at E-level)



E-level criterion

1 Bandstructure

The student should be able to draw band diagrams, both in equilibrium, and under applied bias. The band diagrams should represent both known conditions and types of devices. The student should draw the band diagram so that the operation of the device becomes correct in principle.

2 Concentrations

The student should be able to use the exponential relation between applied potential (or Fermi level) and the carrier concentration in a well-known case. The student should be able to account for which modern physics (solid state, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics) that is needed to formulate the semiconductor theory.

3 Electrostatics

The student should be able to calculate surface- or channel-concentrations of carriers in the MOS-system for different applied bias cases.

4 Operation principles

The student should be able to explicitly show the operation principle for diodes and transistors through IV-diagrams or expressions. Focus should be on the use of these devices in their respective application areas.

5 Circuits

The student should be able to explain the design and operation principle for the CMOS inverter

6 Sustainability

The student should be able discuss cleanroom wafer fabrication of silicon based integrated circuits with respect to material supply and energy usage




Criteria for higher levels C and A



C and/or A-level criterion

1 Bandstructure

The student should be able to draw band diagrams, both in equilibrium, and under applied bias. The band diagrams should represent both known conditions and types of devices. The student should draw the band diagram so that the operation of the device becomes correct. Polarities, barrier, alignment etc must be chosen and described correctly, when several similar cases exist. The student must not confuse different devices. In that case the criterion is not fulfilled, even if the band diagram in itself is correct.

2 Concentrations

The student should be able to use the exponential relation between applied potential (or Fermi level) and the carrier concentration in more than one well-known case. The student should be able to use modern physics (see above) for specific semiconductor calculations.

3 Electrostatics

The student should be able to calculate surface- or channel-concentrations of carriers in the MOS-system for different applied bias cases. In addition, the student should be able to calculate the threshold voltage numerically and state the assumptions and equations that are needed.

4 Operation principles

The student should be able to explicitly show more advanced properties of CMOS inverters and memory types. These properties should be related to the operation principle of the devices that are used as building blocks.

5 Circuits

The student should be able to generalize the CMOS inverter to different logic gates with two inputs. The student should be able to relate the following concepts to each other: power delay product, clock speed, supply voltage, static and dynamic power.

6 Sustainability

N/A graded as pass level only i.e. at E level not part of final grade average


Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

Changes of the course before this course offering

This is the first instance of IL2240 it is partly based on the previous offerings IH1611. More focus is placed on integrated circuits and reduced emphasis is given to device physics.

Round Facts

Start date

16 Jan 2024

Course offering

  • Spring 2024-60258

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Electrical Engineering


Communication during course

Preferrably in class or by email

The TA will monitor discussion threads in Canvas

Course Coordinator


Teacher Assistants
