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Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Spring 2022
Content and learning outcomes
Course contents
The course gives an introduction to sensors and actuators and how they can be programmed and used in a commercial embedded system (such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi). The course has a theoretical part in which different properties of sensors and actuators and their respective input and output signals are examined, as well as a practical part directed towards realisation of an interactive multi-modal installation.
Intended learning outcomes
After passing the course, the student should be able to
explain basic principles of sensors and actuators
explain the function of different sensors and actuators (e.g. ultrasonic sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, light sensors, accelerometers, magnetometers, pressure sensors, simple electrical and mechanical actuators),
recommend appropriate sensors for implementing a specific input modality
recommend appropriate actuators for implementing a specific output modality
program an embedded platform
design and program interactive applications that use sensors and actuators
in order to
be able to use embedded platforms, sensors and actuators to design interactive applications.
Learning activities
In this course, slots marked as 'lecture' are class meetings where the teacher will convey information to the whole group of students, and this information will be mostly theoretical. In 2022, we will only have one introductory lecture (online) that will give an overview of the course and present practical matters for students to arrange during the first week of the course. Associated slides will be available.
Slots marked as 'seminar' will combine the teacher providing new knowledge to the whole group of students (typically with the help of slides that will be available after the class and whenever possible, also beforehand), with some in-class exercises to be done individually or in pairs during the class meeting. Some seminars will require students to prepare for them by doing some readings. This information will be available from the beginning of the course. In 2022, these instances will happen online.
Slots marked as 'laboratory' are sessions where the teachers will be available to provide assistance with the lab assignments to groups of students that work together. Students can work on the assignments whenever they want, and we recommend that they start before the lab sessions, so that they can make the most out of them to ask questions or ask teachers for feedback. In 2022, we will try to provide a combination of online and in-person assistance, depending on how risks evolve through the semester.
Slots marked as 'tutorial' are supervision sessions where a teacher will meet a group of students that work together, to provide feedback and guidance towards the final project. Each group might arrange with their assigned teacher to have the session at a different time if they all find a suitable time, otherwise, the time marked in the official schedule will be used as the default (but each group will only attend at their assigned slot). In 2022, we will try to provide a combination of online and in-person assistance, depending on how risks evolve through the semester.
Finally, the 'presentation' slot corresponds to the last class meeting, in which the whole group of students will present their final projects to the teachers and to the rest of the group and will receive comments and questions. In 2022, we will probably run this session online to avoid crowding and to more effectively use the available technology and take advantage of what a remote setting can offer. For example, sharing screen is more efficient than switching physical computers in a clasroom and dealing with adaptors; the session can be run in parallel with smaller groups very easily; breaks can be taken in more flexible ways; students who get anxious about presenting to a big crowd can benefit from a remote setting but still start getting experience in talking in public; etc.
There will be no preparation for the first lecture, but there will be some keypreparation for the first seminar (which also happens the first week of the course). The preparation tasks will be available on Canvas from the moment the course is published there, as well as mentioned in the official schedule on KTH Social. Students should also be prepared to be responsive the first week of the course as they have to form groups and coordinate to pick up hardware from KTH (or buy it on their own, or contact the teachers to find some other solution).
There is no textbook, and the recommended readings will be linked from Canvas.
The students should have access to a device from which they can attend Zoom meetings, as well as to a device in which they can programme (i.e. where they can install the Arduino IDE, Processing, etc.) and use USB ports. Students will also need access to a smartphone to complete one of the labs. KTH will provide basic materials such as sensors, actuators, breadboards, Arduino boards, etc., to pairs of students that work together, but students are welcome to buy their own extra equipment to increase variety and/or have the material always available at home.
We strongly recommend the students to update Zoom to the latest version if their device allows this.
A variety of free software will be used during the course, and the instructions to install it will be available on Canvas.
Support for students with disabilities
Students at KTH with a permanent disability can get support during studies from Funka:
Students without Funka support who think they may be eligible are strongly encouraged to get in contact with Funka as soon as possible.
Students with Funka support who wish to give us additional detail about their needed arrangements are welcome to contact the course responsible as early as they can, in case we can work together to ensure smooth, comfortable participation.
Examination and completion
Grading scale
A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
LAB1 - Laboratory work, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
PRO1 - Project, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:
Unless an exception is granted by the examiner, students will work in pairs towards LAB1 and PRO1, although PRO1 will require the collaboration between two pairs of students that form a group. For this reason, students should commit from the beginning of the course to complete PRO1 (and not just LAB1), in line with the ethics approach and the code of honour (see below).
Other requirements for final grade
To pass LAB1 or PRO1, active attendance at seminars is required (you are allowed to miss two seminars).
Grading criteria/assessment criteria
Passing LAB1 requires passing all the labs. Formative feedback will be given along the course, after each lab's deadline. Students can get a preliminary Pass in LAB1 (i.e. in Canvas, not in Ladok) earlier than the end of the course.
The grade in PRO1 is assigned according to the project's grading criteria, which will be available on Canvas, as part of the project assignment's description.
The final grade for the course will be the same grade of PRO1, provided that LAB1 is a Pass.
If by the moment the examiner is ready to report the passing grades a student has not yet passed LAB1 or PRO1, they will be informed that they have 6 weeks to compensate and be then re-examined.
Opportunity to complete the requirements via supplementary examination
See previous section (Grading criteria/Assessment criteria)
Alternatives to missed activities or tasks
Lab sessions are completely optional, a student might not participate if they do not have any problems with their assignments and is not interested in feedback.
Attendance to tutorials (supervision) is adviced for the whole group, but if a student must miss sessions they can arrange within the group, without teachers' intervention. A whole group might decide to not attend a tutorial slot, but they should contact the teacher to cancel it if they have already arranged date and time.
If a student knows they are going to miss more than 2 seminars, however, they are welcome to contact the course responsible to evaluate the situation and find a solution.
Attendance to the final presentation is also important given that this is the main examination instance in the course. If a student knows they cannot avoid missing it, they should contact the course responsible to arrange an alternative.
Reporting of exam results
After the final deadline for the final project, the examiner will grade the students' work towards LAB1 and PRO1 and report the final passing grades 3 weeks later. If a student did not achieve a passing grade, the examiner will communicate instead that they have 6 extra weeks to compensate and be then re-examined.
Ethical approach
All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.
The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:
Being responsible for the group's work is crucial to stay within the ethical approach.
This includes:
1) being responsible for the group's equipment, i.e. taking good care of the materials provided by KTH, picking them up on time, returning them on time, and being held accountable if, e.g., a component was lent to another group. More details on this will be covered in the first lecture
2) committing to work towards the final project and not just towards completing the labs.
Further information
Changes of the course before this course offering
Several changes have been implemented since versions 2021 and 2020 that relate to the content of the course, including an improvement in the description of assignments, and the development of new theoretical material and of practical exercises.
Other key changes, related to the format of the course are:
- New attendance requirement (see above).
- Clarifications on the ethical approach and its link to taking care of the group's assigned equipment, as well as the commitment to work with the group towards PRO1 (see above).