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Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2020
Content and learning outcomes
Course contents
The course gives students with a special interest in robotics, perception and learning the opportunity to read an especially designed a project course in their own interest field. Both course content and assessment are designed individually for each project. To be able to start the course, the student should first contact a teacher connected to the interest field and thereafter course coordinator. The course can only be offered if the department has enough resources and skills in the current field.
Intended learning outcomes
Having passed the course, the student shall be able to
choose a course of approach and define, follow and follow up a plan for carrying out the task in a given resource budget,
Present orally and in writing, a description and defense of a technical solution to a problem in robotics, perception and learning
in order to
be able to participate professionally in project work in activities in robotics, perception and learning.
Detailed plan
Look below for how to specify the exact setup for the course for you (and your project team members if any).
Preparations before course start
Specific preparations
This is an individual course and to be admitted to the course a project has to be defined and a supervisor has to be assigned. The supervisor is responsible for
support the students in making a project plan,
supervise the students during the project and
act as the contact point for communication with the examiner.
The first step in the project work of the course is to write a specification for the project. This specification should
For the supervisor: If you compare this with a master thesis project this is somewhere between a projject proposal and and a detailed specification. The specification is meant to make both student and supervisor think carefully about how to set up the project before the student(s) dives into it and determine what is expected as output.
The specification has to provide enough detail to ensure that course coordinator (examiner) can determine that it meets the requirements of the course (fits the topic, scope, examination, etc). It is also a tool to ensure that supervisor and student(s) have the same expectations as far as possible.
The specification should contain
description of goals of the project,
intended learning outcomes (ILOs) that can be access for each student (in addition to the default ones),
a description of how the examination should be carried out for this specific project,
a description of roughly how the work is planned to make the students reach the ILOs and
how the supervisor(s) will be involved.
The specification must be approved by the course coordinator (examiner). It is expected to be completed before the project starts and students are admitted.
As in all projects a plan is just a plan and changes are likely. Communicate with your supervisor along the way. For major changes ensure that the supervisor consults the course coordinator (examiner).
No information inserted
Support for students with disabilities
Students at KTH with a permanent disability can get support during studies from Funka:
PRO1 - Project work, 7.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
PRO2 - Project work, 7.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
As a first stage in the project work of the course a specification must be approved by the course coordinator. The specification should contain intended learning outcomes that can be accessed for each student and a description of how the examination should be carried out for both these and the general aims for this specific project. The project work is divided into two parts with a half time evaluation between to allow individual follow up take place.
Ethical approach
All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.