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DD2300 Program Integrating Course in Computer Science 2.0 credits

Course memo Autumn 2024-50262

Version 1 – 08/25/2024, 11:39:04 PM

Course offering

prosamm24 (Start date 26 Aug 2024, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Computer Science

Course memo Autumn 2024

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2022

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

How do second-cycle studies at KTH work?

Study visits. What may a computer scientist do after graduation?

The objectives and parts of the Master's programme: courses, tracks and master thesis.

Channels to find interesting jobs, internationalization, the future for computer science in the working life, ethical responsibility, minorities and equality, lifelong learning

The role of computer science applications to reach economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development

Self-reflection. What do I want with my education?

Evaluation of the programme. Participation in research studies.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student shall be able to

  • review critically and reflect on both the set-up and implementation of the education as well as their own study situation
  • compare different workplaces and professions relevant to computer scientists
  • reflect in a deeper way over different topics relevant for the professional role, such as channels to find interesting jobs, internationalization, the future for computer science in the working life, ethical responsibility, minorities and equality.
  • reflect on and discuss the role of computer science applications to reach economically socially and ecologically sustainable development
  • plan and carry out assignments within stipulated time
  • identify their need of additional knowledge and continuously develop their skills in relation to the objective of the education and the future professional role

in order to be able to

  • obtain the most of the education and the working life in a long-term perspective,
  • influence the development of the programme.

Learning activities

The Programme integrating course runs through both years of the Master's programme in computer science at KTH. The course uses reflections as the main educational instrument.

You will learn why the compulsory courses are compulsory in the programme and how these relate to each other, how you should select courses and a specialization to become well-prepared for your future employment, and how to study to gain the most from the programme.

The programme integrating course each year simply consists of four one-hour seminars in groups of about a dozen first- and second-year students, together with a professor as a mentor. Since the programme is quite large, there are 24 parallel groups and 12 professors as mentors.

Each seminar has a topic, some links to texts to read or videos to watch, and some questions to think about. You will write a reflection on the topic and also on your current courses and studies. Thereafter you should read and comment on the other students' reflections and discuss them at a seminar.

In period 2 each year, you will do a study visit at a Swedish IT company before the seminar.

Preparations before course start


No textbook. The course material will be found in the Canvas course room.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

P, F


  • UPP1 - Exercises, 1.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • UPP2 - Exercises, 1.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The assignments consist of reflection seminars, reflection documents, fellow student feedback and questionnaires

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

UPP1 consists of the four seminars during the first year and UPP2 consists of the four seminars during the second year.

For each reflection seminar you have to pass the following:

  • write a reflection document that fulfils the requirements,
  • write comments in other reflection documents of the group,
  • participate actively in the seminar.

There are three results in Canvas corresponding to these three requirements, marked "hand-in", "comments" and "seminar". You will need a "P" (passing grade) for each of them.

The seminar instructions might specify some other mandatory tasks as well, such as a study visit or answering a questionnaire.

For more information regarding these requirements and what to do if you miss one of them, read below.

The reflection seminars

There are eight mandatory 50-minute reflection seminars in the course. See the detailed schedule for the entire list. The instructions for each seminar will be published in the Canvas course room one week before the deadline for submitting the reflection document. In the reflection seminars, you will meet in groups of about a dozen students and a computer science teacher (mentor). Half of the students are studying in their first year of the Master's programme and half of the students are studying in their second year.

Before each seminar, you need to do the following

  • Read the instructions for the seminar.
  • Read the material that you are asked to read about the topic for the seminar. There may also be some videos to watch.
  • Write a reflection document in which you answer and reflect on the questions of the seminar. The document should be between 500 and 1000 words and be written in English. Use any document format that can be converted to a Google Document  (for example .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf or .html) and use a self-explanatory file name like My-Name-prosamm-period-Y.
  • Make your Google document readable and commentable by others. 
    Put the URL to the Google document in the group's Canvas page for the seminar.
  • Read the reflection documents of all the other group members and write at least one comment in six of them. You may choose any six group members you like, as long as there are at least two from year 1 (prosamm24) and two from year 2 (prosamm23) among them. The comments should be reflective and have some sort of content, not just "I agree".
  • Read the other group members' comments on your document.
  • You also have to write a reflective comment on at least one comment that you have received on your own document (if there is such a comment). 
  • In the instructions, you may also be asked to carry out some other task, like filling in a questionnaire or participating in a study visit. Always read the instructions carefully.

After these preparations, you should go to the seminar and participate actively in the discussions on the topic. 

One of the intended learning outcomes of the course is that you should be able to plan ahead and carry out assignments within the stipulated time. Therefore it is very important that you submit the reflection documents and comment on the other documents on time.

What if you don't want to share your reflections with Google Docs?

If you don't want to submit your reflections as a Google document you should upload both your reflection document and your comments on the other documents on the group's Canvas page of the seminar. Use PDF as the document format and use standardized file names like Hakan-Idea.pdf and comments-by-Hakan-Idea.pdf (if your name is Håkan Idéa). Each comment will then need to cite the part of the document that it comment. Use the Files/Filer tab in the menu to the right at the  group's Canvas page to upload files.

When a group member comments Hakan-Idea.pdf, they can simply write their comment directly in the group's Canvas page of the seminar, alternatively write the comment in a file and upload it in the group's Canvas page in the way described above.


Other requirements for final grade

Active participation in all compulsory activities and passed reflection documents.

Alternatives to missed activities or tasks

What if you cannot participate in the seminar?

If you know in advance that you will not be able to participate in the seminar, you should in good time fill in the table at the seminar group swap page to swap group with another student. If this is not possible, you have to write a two-page reflection on the others' reflections instead and mail it (as a PDF document) to your mentor.

You must still submit your reflection document on time and comment on the other documents.

What happens if you do not submit your reflection document on time?

The course is based on everyone submitting their reflection documents on time. If you do not, you have to write a double length reflection (at least 1000 words) and mail it to your mentor (as well as putting it in Google Docs etc. in the usual way).

What happens if you do not comment on the other documents on time?

If you have not commented (relevantly) on six of the other documents on time, you will need to do this later, and also comment on every comment that other group members have made on your own document. If there are no comments on your own document, you will need to write a relevant comment in each of the others' (i.e. all group members') documents, which might be a comment of a comment. Collect the URLs to all documents you commented and mail them to your mentor.

What if you study abroad?

If you are studying abroad for a period, you should carry out the reflection seminar tasks remotely. Then you get the chance to share your experiences of the exchange studies with the rest of the group. If you are able to attend the Zoom seminar of your group, you can simply do that. Otherwise, please follow the instructions in the next paragraph.

During your exchange studies, pay attention to the deadlines for submitting a reflection document in the course. In addition to the usual reflection, you should reflect on the exchange studies, if possible in the context of the topic of the seminar. You should write a little more than usual (about 800-1100 words), but on the other hand, you won't need to participate in the reflection seminar. You will of course still read and comment on the other group members' reflection documents. Your mentor will report the results as if you had participated in the seminar. Add a note at the top of the reflection that you are reflecting on your exchange studies instead of attending the seminar.

If you are on exchange studies during period 2 you should try to organize your own study visit in the city where you study. You should visit an IT company or IT research group at the university, and the visit should last between 20 and 60 minutes. If it is not possible to find a study visit you will have to do an extra assignment described in the instructions to the seminar in period 2.

Is it possible to finish the course in less than 2 years?

Yes, if you know that you will be finishing your degree within three semesters or less, you can apply for replacement assignments for the semester(s) that you miss. You need to send your application to the administrative course coordinator (Monika Lundell) during period 3 in your first year of the course. To be allowed to finish the course faster, you need to have passed all assignments of the first year of the course up to the date of the application.

Reporting of exam results

Your mentor will report the results from the seminars (reflection document, comments and participation) in Canvas, normally within a week after the seminar. If you do not see your results in Canvas within two weeks after the seminar, you should inquire with your mentor. If your mentor does not reply, you can contact the administrative course coordinator (Monika Lundell).

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Generative AI tools

Generative AI tools are powerful tools that, used correctly, can help you learn more effectively. Don't use AI if it will reduce your own learning. Check in the assignment instructions if and how you may use generative AI. Do not trust AI-generated text to be correct. If you have used generative AI in a submission, you must always report it.

In the reflection documents of DD2300, you may not directly submit text that has been generated with AI tools. However, it is permitted to use AI tools to get ideas for your reflections that you then write yourself.

EECS code of honour

In this course, the EECS code of honour applies, see:

Further information

Course evaluation and course analysis

One of the intended learning outcomes of the course is:

review critically and reflect on both the set-up and implementation of the education as well as their own study situation

At each seminar of the course, you are encouraged to express your opinions on any course or aspect of the education you receive in the master's programme. At the end of each academic year, a mandatory evaluation questionnaire will be sent out. The results of the questionnaire will be analyzed by the course coordinator and a course analysis will be published.

Round Facts

Start date

26 Aug 2024

Course offering

  • prosamm24 Autumn 2024-50262

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Computer Science


Course Coordinator



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