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AL2608 Life Cycle Assessment 7.5 credits

Course memo Autumn 2024-50010

Version 1 – 09/06/2024, 4:02:56 PM

Course offering

Autumn 2024-50010 (Start date 28 Oct 2024, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ABE/Sustainability and Environmental Engineering

Course memo Autumn 2024

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2023

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

The course covers:

  • LCA methodology
  • LCA tools and - databases
  • Specialisation of life cycle impact in a specific field that the students choose independently
  • Lecture from industry with examples of use of LCA for decision making

Intended learning outcomes

The general aim of the course is to develop the student's ability to assess environmental impact of complex systems in technology and urban planning based on a life-cycle perspective by giving theoretical and practical skills in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

After passing the course, the students should be able to:

  1. Give an account of the aim applications of the LCA method.
  2. Explain the analytical phases and central concepts of the LCA method.
  3. Apply the analytical phases and central concepts of the LCA method on complex systems in technology and urban planning.
  4. Identify uncertainties in LCA method and data and evaluate how these influence the results.
  5. Report in writing the completed LCA study according to ISO's standard for LCA.
  6. Use LCA software.
  7. Give an account of the results orally of the completed LCA the study.
  8. Work in a collaborative project setting
  9. Report in writing and give an account of a critical review orally of an LCA report.

Learning activities

Scheduled learning activities include:

  • Lectures (11 x 2 hrs)
  • Computer labs* (5 x 2 hrs)
  • Project supervision* (4 x 30-45 min)
  • Project seminars* (3 x 2-3 hrs)
  • Home exam (open two working days, expected work time ~6 hrs)

* Compulsory attendance. Mised attendance can be compendated by extra assignment

Individual studies include: 

  • Reading course literature, main work load in advance of Home exam
  • Project work, continous throught the course (~100 hrs/2.5 weeks)
  • Critical review of another project, before Final seminar (~1 day)
  • Final revision of report, after Final seminar (~2 days)

NOTE: Week 47 will be especially intense, with pre-seminar and home exam! Take this into account when you plan your work in this and other courses.

Preparations before course start

Specific preparations


We use Canvas for all course communication, presenting course material, submission of assignments, and more. It is important that you are well acquainted with Canvas so that you can navigate the course. Read more about Canvas

Before the course starts

A large part of this course consists of a group project. Project groups are formed based on the interest of students, and projects are shaped based on your own ideas and research questions. Therefore, you should prepare by thinking of topics that you would like to work with in your projects. In the beginning of course week 2, project groups will be formed during a compulsory course meeting. You can read more about this in the introduction page to the course in Canvas.

Schedule, deadlines, and signing up for appointments

  • Schedule: The schedule for lectures, computer labs and seminars is available in TimeEdit. In addition to this, four group supervision meetings will be scheduled with your supervisor after the course starts (not visible in TimeEdit).
  • Deadlines: Assignment deadlines are listed in Canvas/Assignments and in Canvas Calendar. 
  • Appointments: Sign up for supervision meetings, seminar groups, and computer lab groups by signing up for "Appointments" in Canvas Calendar. Read more about this on the first page of the course in Canvas.




Curran, M. A. (ed) (2015) Life Cycle Assessment Student Handbook. Wiley.

You can order this book from for instance AdLibris ( or Bokus ( 

It is also available online at the KTH Library. Requires lgin with KTH-id.

Scientific papers (available in Canvas)

As listed under each lecture in Canvas.

SimaPro manuals (available in Canvas and online)

Useful web resources

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Project work, 5.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • TEN1 - Home exam, 2.5 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Project work ( PRO1 )

  • The group project examines intended learning outcomes 3-9.
  • The project report is graded A-F.
  • The grading template is available in Canvas
  • The grade of the project report is based on the following factors:
    • Content of the report (understanding of LCA methodology, ability to design and perform an LCA study)
    • Formal qualities of the report (outline, clarity, language, referencing).
    • Individual performance in relation to the rest of the group (may be considered if deemed necessary by the supervisor to give individual grades)
  • In order to pass the project, you also need to fulfill other compulsory elements (meeting deadlines, attendance and active participation in supervision and seminars, or submitted compensation assignments in case of absence) which are graded as Pass/Fail.

Home exam ( TEN1 )

  • The exam covers intended learning outcomes 1-2.
  • The home exam consists of three parts
    • Part A: Multiple choice questions, to test terminology and basic understanding of the LCA method. 
    • Part B: Multiple answer questions, to test for ability to apply LCA methodology to more complex problems.
    • Part C: Calculation assignment, to test for more advanced understanding of LCA methodology.
  • Maximum points is 45 distributed over parts A-C with 15 points each.
  • In order to pass the exam, you need to have 20 points or more in total on parts A and B. Part C is not graded unless you fulfill this requirement.
  • If you fulfill this requirement, the grading limits are as follows:
    • A: ≥ 40 p
    • B: ≥ 35 p
    • C: ≥ 30 p
    • D: ≥ 25 p
    • E: ≥ 20 p
    • Fx: < 20 p)
  • If you do not pass the home exam, but receive Fx, you will need to do a complementary oral examination. After oral examination, the you can only receive the grade E.

Final course grade

The final grade (A-F) is a weighted average of the home exam and the project. The project is weighted slightly less than its corresponding credits (Exam weight = 2.5; Project weight = 4).

In order to receive a final course grade, the requirements for an “E” for the home exam and all compulsory elements of the project work must be fulfilled.

Fx represents a failing grade but which can be complemented to reach the grade E.

Grading criteria/assessment criteria

Grading criteria for the group project are available in Canvas.

Opportunity to raise an approved grade via renewed examination

"Upping" of grades is not possible in this course. It is therefore of key importance that you are active and contribute responsibly to your group project from the start, but also that you inform your project supervisor at an early stage if you experience problems in group project collaboration.

Alternatives to missed activities or tasks

Compensation assignments are available for all compulsory elements in this course. Details are presented in Canvas.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

Changes of the course before this course offering

No major changes have been introduced in the course this year compared to last year

Round Facts

Start date

28 Oct 2024

Course offering

  • Autumn 2024-50010

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ABE/Sustainability and Environmental Engineering


Communication during course

Always use Canvas Inbox to communicate with theachers in this course. Do not use personal email.

Course Coordinator



Other Contacts