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PhD defence of Weijin Guo September 11th 1pm

Published Sep 01, 2020

You are kindly invited to attend the PhD defence of Weijin Guo on September 11 at 13h00 via zoom link

The defence will be chaired by Prof. Göran Stemme.

The opponent will be Dr. Govind Kaigala from IBM Research Laboratory, Zurich.

The jury will consist of:
Dr. Marcella Chiara, Director of the Chemistry & Technology for Bioscience Group, National Research Council of Italy
Assoc. Prof. Per Augustsson, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lund University
Dr. Lena Klintberg, Docent in Engineering Science with Specialization in Microsystems Technology

The title of the thesis is "Synthetic Paper for point-of-care diagnostics - Capillary control, surface modifications, and their applications”.
The work is based on the following six publications

I. ”Capillary pumping independent of liquid sample viscosity,”
W. Guo, J. Hansson*, and W. van der Wijngaart,
Langmuir, 32(48), 12650-12655, 2016.

II. ”Capillary pumping independent of the liquid surface energy and viscosity,”
W. Guo, J. Hansson, and W. van der Wijngaart,
Microsystems and nanoengineering, 4(1): 1-7, 2018.

III. ”E-beam nanostructuring and direct click biofunctionalization of thiol–ene resist,”
R. Zandi Shafagh, A. Vastesson, W. Guo, W. van der Wijngaart, and T. Haraldsson,
ACS Nano, 12(10), 9940-9946, 2018.

IV. ”Synthetic microfluidic paper with superior fluorescent signal readout,”
W. Guo, J. Hansson, and W. van der Wijngaart,
in Proceeding of The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2019), pp. 1056-1057, 2019.

V. ”Immunoassays on Thiol-Ene Synthetic Paper Generate a Superior Fluorescence Signal,”
W. Guo, L. Vilaplana, J. Hansson, M.-Pilar Marco, and W. van der Wijngaart,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 163, 112279, 2020.

VI. ”Synthetic Paper Separates Plasma from Whole Blood with Low Protein Loss,”
W. Guo, J. Hansson, and W. van der Wijngaart,
Analytical Chemistry, 92 (9), 6194-6199, 2020.

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Belongs to: Micro and Nanosystems
Last changed: Sep 01, 2020