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A Trust-Region Method for Multiple Shooting Optimal Control

Time: Tue 2022-01-25 10.15 - 10.45

Location: Zoom Meeting

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Language: English

Respondent: Shaohui Yang , DCS/Reglerteknik

Opponent: Zaoshi Ying

Supervisor: Yvonne Stürz

Examiner: Karl H Johansson

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In recent years, mobile robots have gained tremendous attention from the entire society: the industry is aiming at selling more intelligent products while the academia is improving their performance from all perspectives. Real world examples include autonomous driving vehicles, multirotors, legged robots, etc. One of the challenging tasks commonly faced by all game players, and all robotics platforms, is to plan motion or locomotion of the robot, calculate an optimal trajectory according to certain criterion and control it accordingly. Difficulty of solving such task usually arises from high-dimensionality and complexity of the system dynamics, fast changing conditions imposed as constraints and necessity for real-time deployment.

This work proposes a method over the aforementioned mission by solving an optimal control problem in a receding horizon fashion. Unlike the existing Sequential Linear Quadratic (SLQ) algorithm which is a continuous time variant of Differential Dynamic Programming (DP), we tackle the problem in a discretized multiple shooting fashion. Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is employed as optimization technique to solve the constrained Nonlinear Programming iteratively. Moreover, we apply trust region method in the sub-Quadratic Programming (QP) to handle potential indefiniteness of Hessian matrix as well as to improve robustness of the solver. Simulation and benchmark with previous method have been conducted on robotics platforms to show the effectiveness of our solution and superiority under certain circumstances. Experiments have demonstrated that our method is capable of generating trajectories under complicated scenarios where the Hessian matrix contains negative eigenvalues (e.g. obstacle avoidance).