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  • Welcome lunch seminar for new PhD students

    Published 十月 28, 2020

    Last week, the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) held a welcome lunch seminar for new PhD students. This is the first year such an event has been organized at our school.

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  • Interview with David B Haviland

    Published 十月 28, 2020

    Interview with David B Haviland (Applied Physics) regarding his assignment as Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

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  • Carl Dahlberg, Solid Mechanics

    Published 十月 28, 2020
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  • Mats Wallin, KTH Physics

    Mats Wallin
    Mats Wallin
    Published 九月 29, 2020

    In period one I teach Thermodynamics for first year Engineering Physics students. While the course work is heavily affected by the corona restrictions, my own aim is to teach as closely as possible to...

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  • Mattias Blennow, KTH Physics

    Mattias Blennow
    Mattias Blennow
    Published 九月 29, 2020

    My course in vector analysis is given for second year students at Engineering Physics and third year Teacher students. As such, it is currently running fully at distance.

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  • Department-nominated teachers

    Published 九月 29, 2020

    To highlight the continued hard work of all teachers at SCI during the pandemic, Department-nominated teachers will briefly explain their course layouts in a series of articles during the next few mon...

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  • Interview with Fredrik Lundell, Head of the Department of Engineering Mechanics

    Fredrik Lundell
    Fredrik Lundell
    Published 九月 29, 2020

    Almost nine months have passed since the Departments of Aeronautical & Vehicle Engineering, Mechanics and Solid Mechanics merged and formed the Department of Engineering Mechanics. The Head of Departm...

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  • We welcome Roger Berg, Adjunct professor to SCI

    Roger Berg
    Roger Berg
    Published 九月 29, 2020

    First of July this year Roger Berg joined the faculty as adjunct professor in marine systems. Roger’s ordinary work is at Saab Kockums in Malmö, which is a business unit within the Saab Group. Kockums...

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  • AlbaNova-NanoLab

    The director, Vladislav Korenivski, showing Sandra di Rocco (skolchef) and Anna Delin (vice skolchef) the state-of-the-art EBL system, a recent upgrade at ANL.
    Published 八月 31, 2020

    Albanova-NanoLab (ANL) has existed in its current form since 2001, when KTH Physics moved into Albanova, it was, however, first opened in 1997 when Physics was still located at Lindstedsvägen.

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  • Vi välkomnar professor Masatoshi Noumi till SCI-skolan

    Published 八月 28, 2020

    Masatoshi Noumi är professor vid Kobe University i Kobe, Japan. Han kommer, tack vare anslaget från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, vara gästprofessor vid Institutionen för matematik.

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  • Verksamhetsstödet under sommaren

    Published 六月 08, 2020

    Under sommaren kommer stödverksamheten som vanligt att ha mindre bemanning då merparten tar ut sin semester under juli. För att så långt som möjligt upprätthålla god service ber vi därför alla att anv...

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  • Profile of the month: Ruoli Wang, Assistant Professor in Biomechanics

    Published 五月 26, 2020

    Interview with Ruoli Wang

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  • Chefernas pepp inför KTH ACTIVE TOGETHER

    Published 五月 15, 2020

     Nu kööör vi!!!

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  • Kvalitetsdialog med SCI

    Published 四月 30, 2020

    Fredagen den 24 april genomfördes SCI-skolans kvalitetsdialog där skolans ledning träffar KTHs Dekanus Anders Forsgren och Prodekanus Sofia Ritzén. Vid kvalitetsdialogen diskuteras de underlag som sko...

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  • Teachers with an interest in developing and Challenge-Driven Education

    Published 四月 29, 2020

    KTH Global Development Hub (GDH) develops and supports the implementation of concepts for challenge-driven education where student teams collaborate with various parts of society in projects targeting...

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  • Månadens profil: Erik Olsson, Docent i Hållfasthetslära

    Published 四月 27, 2020

    Intervju med Docent Erik Olsson

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  • Susann Boij - KTHs pedagogiska pris 2019

    Published 十一月 13, 2019

    Pedagogiska priset är ett resebidrag som utdelas årligen till lärare inom KTH, för framstående insatser inom grundutbildningen.

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  • 20-års jubileum för Matematiska Cirkeln

    Published 十一月 13, 2019

    Matematiska Cirkeln startade 1999 PÅ KTH för att gymnasieelever skulle få möjlighet att odla sitt intresse för och komma i kontakt med en annan sida av matematikämnet än den man vanligen får se på gy...

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  • Information angående deaktivering av e-post

    Published 十月 08, 2019
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  • Interna nomineringar för ny Skolchef till Skolan för Teknikvetenskap (SCI), KTH

    Published 九月 30, 2019

    Nomineringskommittén välkomnar att du som är anställd vid Skolan för Teknikvetenskap (SCI) KTH, nominerar en eller flera personer (du kan även nominera dig själv) till skolchefsrollen vid SCI- skolan.

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