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Recipients of the 2020 Borelius Medal

Published 十月 28, 2020

In the spring of 1998, the board of the then “TFY faculty” decided to establish the Borelius medal, following a proposal by professor Per Carlson (now emeritus professor at the Physics Department). The medal would be awarded for valuable contributions to Engineering Physics, both within, and outside, KTH.

The medal was first awarded in 2000 to two people, the great benefactor Göran Gustafsson and the former head of the Engineering Physics administration, Maj-Britt Tolstad. The medal is usually awarded at the end of the spring, and the ceremony also includes the conferment of the Teacher of the Year, Assistant of the Year and “A Feather in the Hat” awards by the physics chapter of the student union. A Borelius lecture of general interest is also held.

Recipients of the 2020 Borelius Medal

This year's recipients of the Borelius Medal are Professor Christer Fuglesang, KTH and Tekn. dr. Anne Lidgard, director at VINNOVA.

Anne Lidgard

Congratulations Anne, how does it feel to get this award?

I feel very happy and honored! It came as a complete surprise, and I am proud to be in such great company.

What does it mean to you that you have received the prize - do you think it is good and stimulating that prizes are awarded for valuable efforts?

Teknisk Fysik at KTH with its vibrant community has given me such a valuable base for whatever has come next in life and I have been glad to promote it whenever I have had the opportunity. Prizes serve as reminders and as encouragement! So yes, I feel they add value.

Congratulations Christer, how does it feel to get this award?

Christer Fuglesang

It feels great! I´m very happy and honored for this special award. Since the day I first came to KTH 45 years ago, Teknisk Fysik has always had a place in my heart.

What does it mean to you that you have received the prize - do you think it is good and stimulating that prizes are awarded for valuable efforts?

I have always wanted to - and I continuously try to – promote Teknisk Fysik, so it feels like a nice recognition of those efforts. I do believe that prizes both can stimulate people to do a bit extra and they are a nice way from the surrounding community to show their acknowledgment.