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"Live by the sword..."

The Sound and Music Computing group at MID kindly welcomes you all to the Sound and Music Interactions seminar #12

Time: Tue 2021-04-20 15.00

Location: Online

Participating: Martin Parker, The University of Edinburgh

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"Live by the sword..."

This short presentation introduces some recent pieces of sonic art built around the idea that loudspeakers can be live agents in the generation and production of sonic material and not merely used as tools of representation and replay. Sonikebana however does not involve speakers in their more traditional role as agent in a feedback system along the lines of Di Scipio and Sanfilippo's work. Speakers are instead brought playfully into the realm of sound creation using a sensor system, wheels and by involving the audience as participant, listener and performer. 


I am Programme Director of the MSc in Sound Design and current Head of the Reid School of Music at the University of Edinburgh. I compose and improvise music, craft sounds and invent sonic art in an ongoing exploration of how sounds, musicians and listeners can work together with computers. I try to let the discoveries I make in my research inform what I teach. I think sound is at its best when you know what you're doing, but don't know what's going to happen.

Find out a little more at the not very up to date website: 

The seminar will be given online via Zoom. Contact the organizer  to ask for the link.